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Important NOAA/FSL/Systems Support Group information

Please take note of the following changes regarding the NOAA/FSL
Systems Support Group (aka Operators):

* Effective immediately the email address to use when contacting
  NOAA/FSL/SSG Operators is: address@hidden. Use of any
  other addressing will fail in the near future. Please use this
  email address when communicating with, or requesting assistance
  from FSL Operations. (NOTE: SSG Operators can also be contacted
  via the group phone: 303-497-6887).

* Due to a substantial FY2004 budget reduction, 24/7 FSL Operations
  coverage will no longer be available. Effective October 1,
  2003 starting at 12:01am MDT, the FSL Systems Support Group will
  be on duty and provide support only from 7am until 7pm on normal
  business days and from 11am until 7pm on weekends and holidays
  (all times are Mountain time).

* During the hours not covered by FSL Operations, please send
  email to address@hidden. At the start of the next shift,
  the Duty Operator will act on these, as appropriate.

Jonathan B. Auerbach,Systems Support Group Lead
     FSL/Information & Technology Services
 direct: (303)497-3760   group: (303)497-6887
  direct email:address@hidden
     group email: address@hidden