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20030827: 2nd Notice:: Proposed Unidata-Wisconsin changes (cont.)

>From: "Jennie L. Moody" <address@hidden>
>Organization: UVa
>Keywords: 200308280248.h7S2mFLd017399 IDD Unidata-Wisconsin

Hi Jennie,

Long time no hear.  How have you been?

>Whew...things change faster than I can keep up.  That
>must be a sign of being "old".  I still haven't fixed
>my old problems!

I was wondering when you were going to address the GRIB ingest/decode

>I have a few questions about the proposed changes, since I have
>scripts that expect area files to have specific resolutions. I
>will need to make a lot of adjustments.

The only product that will have a different resolution is the GOES-East
Water Vapor.  Of course, this is the one that is probably of most interest
to you.  The current resolution is 8km; the new resolution would be

>I wonder if a long listing
>of the new area files could be provided (maybe on the website
>that provides examples of the current and proposed datastreams).

I can do better than that.  The new products are all available by
ADDE right now:

DATALOC ADD GOESEAST unidata2.ssec.wisc.edu

        Dataset Names of Type: IMAGE in Group: GOESEAST

Name         NumPos   Content
------------ ------   --------------------------------------
WH-1KVIS        50    METEOFORUM GOES EAST 1 km 0.65 um VIS
WH-4K39         50    METEOFORUM GOES EAST 4 km 3.9 um SHORT IR
WH-4KCO2        50    METEOFORUM GOES EAST 4 km 13.3 um CO2
WH-4KIR         50    METEOFORUM GOES EAST 4 km 10.7 um THERMAL IR
WH-4KWV         50    METEOFORUM GOES EAST 4 km 6.5 um WATER VAPOR

DSINFO -- done

The one product in the GOESEAST dataset that will be of different
resolution than the corresponding one in the Unidata-Wisconsin 
datastream is the VIS product.  The GOESEAST image is 1-byte, 1km;
the Unidata-Wisconsin image will be 1-byte, 4km.

>I would like to see things like the image resolution, etc. 

I listed the old and new resolutoins in:


>I think the long listing format for area files FORM=AUDIT
>would be useful (I don't have the command list in front of
>me, I think thats the parameter).

You can get these listings using:

DATALOC ADD GOESEAST unidata2.ssec.wisc.edu

>If these are not useful more generally, maybe you can tell
>me if these areas are presently available via some ADDE
>dataset that I could have access to, and I can dig around

See above.

>No rush, I will be at a meeting in DC tomorrow.  


>Thanks.  Hope to talk to you sometime soon about a number
>of lingering questions I have.  But I cannot seem to make
>time to deal with McIDAS (still chasing down new
>project leads and trying to get some new proposals

I'll be here, just let me know when you have time...

