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20030827: Unidata subscription

>From: "Gary S. Wade" <address@hidden>
>Keywords: 200308271530.h7RFUxLd024013

Hi Gary,

>I plan to re-send that note to Jim Koermer (on GOES DPI ETs) once I get
>confirmation on my subscription to the unidata ldm-users and mcidas-x 
>mailing lists.  I hope it may be of some value to others as well.

Sounds great, thanks!

>Thanks for the direction on this.

No worries.

>   * --- -- -      * --- -- -      * --- -- -      * --- -- -
>            Gary S. Wade         (... watch the sky ...)
>       NOAA/NESDIS/ORA/ARAD/Advanced Satellite Products Team
>   (1225 W. Dayton St.  Madison, WI 53706  Rm 435  608-263-4743)
>   (e-mail:  address@hidden  or  address@hidden)
>         [ http://cimss.ssec.wisc.edu/aspt/aspthome.html ]
>    [ http://cimss.ssec.wisc.edu/goes/realtime/realtime.html ]
>   - -- --- *      - -- --- *      - -- --- *      - -- --- *
