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WSR-88D Level II Data Available

Level II WSR-88D data distribution - present and future


Data from 62 Level II WSR-88D (NEXRAD) radars is freely available to academic institutions from the University of Oklahoma. This service is provided through the Collaborative Radar Acquisition Field Test (CRAFT) project, a project involving Unidata, academia, the Federal government and the private sector. Each contributes a wide variety of expertise in providing Level II data access via the Internet using Unidata's LDM technology.

To learn more about accessing the data from CRAFT, see:

<http://kkd.ou.edu/craft.htm> and

Kelvin Droegemeier
Director, CAPS
University of Oklahoma


Leveraging technology transfer from CRAFT to the NWS and the CRAFT capability, the NWS will make Level II data available from all 121 of its radars (and two DOD radars) via CRAFT by the end of 2003. In 2004 the NWS will add 9 more DOD radars to the Level II network and transition to the full operational capability and distribution architecture. Unidata has been working jointly with the NWS to facilitate data distribution. The Unidata community, through Unidata's leadership, will be included in the data distribution topology to serve other academic institutions for Level II data. As the time draws near, we'll provide additional information.

Linda Miller - address@hidden
External Liaison, Unidata
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
P.O. Box 3000
Boulder, CO 80307-3000
303-497-8646 fax: 303-497-8690