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20020702: GOES-West archive imagery request status (cont.)

>From: "Creasey, Robert" <address@hidden>
>Organization: NPS
>Keywords:  200206110041.g5B0faJ19494 GOES-West


>Thanks for the effort...next month would be better than never.

I was given access to the data files last night.  I just finished FTPing
them to a machine here at the UPC.

>Classes start next week and I have a couple gif images to show for now.
>I will check and see if there is any other path for this data that we can
>use.  If I come up with something I will let you know.

OK, but the images from SSEC are now available.

I setup a McIDAS ADDE dataset on zero.unidata.ucar.edu that you can
access.  Here is the info:

DATALOC ADD NPS zero.unidata.ucar.edu
        Dataset Names of Type: IMAGE in Group: NPS

Name         NumPos   Content
------------ ------   --------------------------------------
G10-IR       99999    GOES10 IR IMAGES FOR NPS
G10-VIS      99999    GOES10 VIS IMAGES FOR NPS

DSINFO -- done

The images are all 10-bit and oversampled in the element direction by
the normal factor of ~2.  You will need, therefore, to IMGCOPY them to
a local dataset using a MAG=1 -2 blow-down, and specify TYPE=VISR to
get images equivalent to the ones in the Unidata-Wisconsin datastream.
(MAG=1 -2 will eliminate the oversampling; TYPE=VISR will convert from
10 to 8 bit).

Please let me know when you are done transferring the images so I can
delete them from our system.

BTW, I am assuming that you know how to get at the data using McIDAS.
Please correct me if I am wrong.

Another note: the first couple of images I looked at had lots of noise
(dropped lines, etc.) in them, but the third was OK.

>Sorry about our e-mail bounce...We are undergoing major security and

No bittie,

Have a great 4th...
