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New NOAAPORT conventional data server


We will be switching to a new NOAAport server tomorrow June 5.  The
switch will occur at about 18:00 UTC.  NO user action is necessary.

The new server will be running McIDAS 2002 and McIDAS XCD 2002.  The
server will have 7 days of Point and text data, 4 days of GRID data, and
1-2 days of Nexrad data.   The new server should also provide much
better performance compared to the old server.

If you have any problems or questions, please contact the Data Center.


SSEC Data Center            Email:  address@hidden 
UW Madison                  Web:    http://www.ssec.wisc.edu/datacenter 
1225 W. Dayton              Phone:  (608) 262-0502 
Madison, Wisconsin 53706    Fax:    (608) 263-6738

The following are the datasets on the New Noaaport conventional data

   Dataset Names of Type: GRID  in Group: RTGRIDS

Name         NumPos   Content
------------ ------   --------------------------------------
ALL           7990    Real-Time Grids
AVN           2001    Real-Time AVN Grids
ECMWF           10    Real-Time ECMWF Grids
ETA            890    Real-Time Standard ETA Grids (ETA/LCCONUS)
MDR             10    Real-Time MDR Grids
MESOETA         60    Real-Time CONUS Meso-ETA Grids (same as
MISC            10    Other Real-Time Grids
MRF            200    Real-Time Standard MRF Grids (MRF/PSCONUS)
NGM             40    Real-Time Standard NGM Grids (NGM/PSCONUS)
RUC             80    Real-Time RUC Grids

RTGRIDS/MRF  (going away soon ... all data in AVN)

        Dataset Names of Type: POINT in Group: RTPTSRC

Name         NumPos   Content
------------ ------   --------------------------------------
AIRCRAFT        10    Real-Time Aircraft data
FOUS14          10    Real-Time FOUS14 data
SFCHOURLY       10    Real-Time SFC Hourly
SHIPBUOY        10    Real-Time Ship and Buoy data
SYNOPTIC        10    Real-Time SYNOPTIC data
UPPERMAND       10    Real-Time Upper Air (Mandatory Levels)
UPPERSIG        10    Real-Time Upper Air (Significant Levels)

        Dataset Names of Type: TEXT  in Group: RTWXTEXT

Name         NumPos   Content
------------ ------   --------------------------------------
FOUS14           1    Real-Time NGM MOS Guidance Text
SFCHOURLY        1    Real-Time SFC Hourly Text
SYNOPTIC         1    Real-Time SYNOPTIC Text
TERMFCST         1    Real-Time Terminal Forecast Text
UPPERAIR         1    Real-Time Upper Air Text

        Dataset Names of Type: IMAGE in Group: NEXRAD

Name         NumPos   Content
------------ ------   --------------------------------------
BREF1        99999    Base Reflectivity - tilt 1 (0.50 deg) - 124 nmi
BREF2        99999    Base Reflectivity - tilt 2 (1.45/1.50 deg) - 124
nmi ran
BREF248      99999    Base Reflectivity - tilt 1 (0.50 deg) - 248 nmi
BREF3        99999    Base Reflectivity - tilt 3 (2.40/2.50 deg) - 124
nmi ran
BREF4        99999    Base Reflectivity - tilt 4 (3.35/3.50 deg) - 124
nmi ran
BVEL1        99999    Base Radial Velocity - tilt 1 (0.50 deg) - 124 nmi
BVEL2        99999    Base Radial Velocity - tilt 2 (1.45/1.50 deg) -
124 nmi
CREF         99999    Composite Reflectivity - 16 levels - 124 nmi range
PRECIP1      99999    Surface Rainfall Accumulation - 1 hour running
PRECIPTOT    99999    Surface Rainfall Accumulation - storm total
SRVEL1       99999    Storm-Relative Mean Radial Velocity - tilt 1 (0.50
SRVEL2       99999    Storm-Relative Mean Radial Velocity - tilt 2 (1.45
SRVEL3       99999    Storm-Relative Mean Radial Velocity - tilt 3 (2.40
SRVEL4       99999    Storm-Relative Mean Radial Velocity - tilt 4 (3.35
TOPS         99999    Echo Tops
VIL          99999    Vertically Integrated Liquid