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20020308: NEXRAD composite imagery

>From: "Kevin Polston" <address@hidden>
>Organization: NWS
>Keywords: 200203081946.g28JkQK21992 NEXRAD composite


>Another question.......that was pretty neat about creating national and
>regional composite radar imagery.

Have you looked at the images yet?  They are _very_ cool, especially
the 1 km national N0R product!

>Is there a plan to make a national
>and regional composite VIL image?  I know that would be pretty slick.

Chiz and I have been talking about this.

>don't think it would be practical or possible to do that with velocity
>images but it could be done with VIL's.

Velicity images would not work.

>What are the chances of seeing that in the near future?

The chances are not bad :-)
