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20001130: Re: 20001002: ACARS & AMDAR International Data Available via LDM-Second Notice (fwd)

Hi Celia,

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To: address@hidden
From: address@hidden (Celia Chen)
Subject: ACARS & AMDAR International Data Available via LDM
Organization: NCAR/RAP
Keywords: 200011272348.eARNmco11459 AMDAR data and decoders

The web site: http://acweb.fsl.noaa.gov/FAQ.html
provides information on ACARS data only.  Where can I
get more information on the AMDAR data?

I still would like to know how to obtain the AMDAR data and
if there is a decoder available for it.


Celia, FSL has started a forum on-line discussion that is password protected. Both ACARS and AMDARs are available for use in GEMPAK.

It is very interesting with a diverse group of participants. You may want to consider joining that discussion group. The name of the group is:
FSL ACARS Information Forum.

Bill Moninger or Bob Lipschutz should be able to assist you with additional AMDAR data information. They can also tell you how to join the discussion group too. Their email addresses are:


Regarding the decoders, GEMPAK has decoders for the netCDF ACARS and AMDAR data. I'll let support answer the question of McIDAS decoders for the netCDF data.

Forwarded message:
From celia Tue Oct 24 13:47:37 2000
From: celia (Celia Chen)
Message-Id: <address@hidden>
Subject: ACARS & AMDAR International Data Available via LDM-Second Notice
To: address@hidden
Date: Tue, 24 Oct 2000 13:47:30 -0600 (MDT)
Cc: celia (Celia Chen)
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Dear Support,

I am currently getting the ACARS data via LDM and would like to know how to
get the AMDAR data.  Also, are the decoders for the ACARS and AMDAR data
available as part of the LDM package?



Second Announcement-October 2, 2000

ACARS and AMDAR international data are available for research and education via

New software has been implemented that includes worldwide AMDAR data, in
addition to the ACARS data from the Forecast Systems Laboratory (FSL) in
Boulder, Colorado.  The AMDAR data primarily cover Europe, Australia, and SE
Asia;  very few (or no) AMDAR data occur over the contiguous US, however ACARS
data cover the United States.

The data are now available using the LDM.  With the addition of the AMDAR data,
FSL is now processing about 98,000 observations per day, worldwide.

The data are also available through the FSL ACARS Web pages, and netCDF files
downloaded from the FSL Web. The world maps available in the non-java display
show this data, and, allow users to generate soundings.

For detailed information on the data sets, how to obtain the data, and the
restrictions on their use, please refer to the FSL ACARS web page:


Please contact Unidata support (address@hidden) for information on
decoders for use of ACARS with Unidata-supplied application packages.