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20000623: 20000622: GOES Sounder DPI for Unidata

>From: Chris Schmidt <address@hidden>
>Keywords: 200006221816.e5MIG0T26508 Unidata-Wisconsin CIMSS products


Thanks for the quick reply.  After seeing this response yesterday evening,
I revisited what I had done.

re: lack of memo fields in CIMSS products
>> >I've asked TonyS and ChrisS to add memos to
>> >their CTP and ozone DPI areas.
>         Sorry about MEMO loss - I did not know that the compositing 
>program trashed the MEMO field from the source AREA files.  I will put 
>MEMOs into the ozone AREAs that follow the same pattern as those for the 

From IMGLISTs for CIMSSP images on sumoi.ssec I find the following:

Product                   Memo Field
Cloud Top Pressure        none
Total Precipitable Water  GOES Sndr Ret PW composite
Sea Surface Temperature   REGRESSION
Lifted Index              GOES Sndr Ret LI composite
CAPE                      GOES Sndr Ret CAPE composite
Ozone                     none

After seeing the two products with nothing and one with REGRESSION,
I changed these to be:

Product                   Memo Field
Cloud Top Pressure        CIMSS Prod.: Cloud Top Pressure
Total Precipitable Water  CIMSS Prod.: Precipitable Water
Sea Surface Temperature   CIMSS Prod.: Sea Sfc. Temp.
Lifted Index              CIMSS Prod.: Lifted Index
CAPE                      CIMSS Prod.: CAPE
Ozone                     CIMSS Prod.: Ozone

If/when the memo fields get regularized on your side, I will remove my
IMGCHA modifications.

I still, however, have to set the BAND number in the products so that
GEMPAK users can associate a default enhancement with the image (this
is one of the fields that GEMPAK checks to see what enhancement it
should load by default; the other is the satellite platform number).

Right now, I am setting the band numbers as follows:

Product                   Artifical Band Number
Cloud Top Pressure        27
Total Precipitable Water  28
Sea Surface Temperature   31
Lifted Index              29
CAPE                      30
Ozone                     31

The reason that there is a duplication of band 31 in the list is that the
SST product has a different satellite number associated with it.  Also,
we are not changing that band number.

re: missing enhancement for one of the CIMSS products
>         There is one, it is cleverly disguised as GDOZ.ET.  There is a 
>McIDAS batch file (MAKOZ.BAT) that recreates that table and saves it as TTS.ET

Sorry for misspeaking.  I had thought I'd remembered that the missing
enhancement was the one for ozone; it wasn't.  The FTP pub/seegsw/dpiets
directory contains enhancements and BATCH files to create enhancements

Product                   BATCH file     Enhancement
Cloud Top Pressure        MAKCTP.BAT     GDCTP.ET
Cloud Top Pressure        MAKCT5.BAT     GDCT5.ET
Precipitable Water        MAKPW1.BAT     GDPW1.ET
Sea Surface Temperature
Lifted Index              MAKLI8.BAT     GDLI8.ET
CAPE                      MAKCE5.BAT     GDCE5.ET
?CAPE?                                   GDCE505.ET
CAPE                      MAKCET.BAT     GDCET.ET
Ozone                     MAKOZ.BAT      GDOZ.ET

So, you can see that the enhancement that is missing is the one for 
Sea Surface Temperature.  Also, there are two different enhancemnts
and enhancement generators for Cloud Top Pressrue and CAPE and an
extra enhancement for CAPE, but no generating BATCH file.

The questions are now:

o is there an "official" SST enhancement and generating routine
o which enhancement/generating BATCH file is correct for CTP and CAPE

Lastly, are BATCH files/McBASI scripts available for the VIRT overlay
files?  If so, I would like to get then so that sites choosing different
frame sizes could generate their own VIRT overalys.

Thanks for all of the help!
