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20000606: test feed of CIMSS products (cont.)

>From: Harry Edmon <address@hidden>
>Organization: UCAR/Unidata
>Keywords: 200006051850.e55Io3T11634 Unidata-Wisconsin EXP feed CIMSS products


>It appears that unidata.ssec.wisc.edu did not like my feedme line:
>Jun 06 20:59:00 grayskies unidata[220510]: run_requester: Starting Up:
>Jun 06 20:59:01 grayskies unidata[220510]: run_requester: 20000606205800.364
>TS_ENDT {{EXP|MCIDAS,  ".*"}}
>Jun 06 20:59:02 grayskies unidata[220510]: FEEDME(unidata.ssec.wisc.edu.):
>reclass: 20000606205800.364 TS_ENDT {{MCIDAS,  ".*"}}
>Jun 06 20:59:02 grayskies unidata[220510]: FEEDME(unidata.ssec.wisc.edu.): OK

OK.  I had added a line for EXP for any machine from UW:

allow   EXP     ^[a-z].*\.atmos\.washington\.edu$

I changed the allow for just MCIDAS to MCIDAS|EXP:

allow   MCIDAS|EXP      grayskies.atmos.washington.edu

and stopped and restated the LDM.

I see the expected lines from the LDM log file:

Jun 07 00:21:25 unidata grayskies[16606]: Connection from grayskies.atmos.washin
Jun 07 00:21:25 unidata grayskies(feed)[16606]: Starting Up: 20000607002000.030

so you should be feeding from SSEC now.

I also put McIDAS enhancement tables for the 6 CIMSS products in the
pub/mcidas directory of anonymous FTP on our FTP server, ftp.unidata.ucar.edu,
in case you want to use them.  The files are CTP.ET, LI.ET, SST.ET, PW.ET,
