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19990816: ftp-server heads-up (fwd)

Dave and Ben,

Wow!  This note could have some consequences if many of these people migrate to
CONDUIT.  Chiz is gone this week and there has already been one person from
Univ of Utah ask to be added (that one was expected, based on a conversation I
had with John Horel and the LDM workshop).  Note:  There are companies on this
email list too.  At least Geoff does point to the URL describing CONDUIT.  I'm
unsure if Chiz talked to anybody in support for backup while he is away.


---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Date: Mon, Aug 16, 1999 9:07 AM -0400
From: Geoff DiMego <address@hidden>
To: Alan Nierow <address@hidden>, Hugo Berbery
<address@hidden>, Bob Aune <address@hidden>, Steve Chizwell
<address@hidden>, Cliff Mass <address@hidden>, Fred  Carr
<address@hidden>, Greg Forbes <address@hidden>, Bob Gall
<address@hidden>, Cecilia Girz <address@hidden>, Greg Thompson
<address@hidden>, Jamie Daniels <address@hidden>, Jeff
McQueen <address@hidden>, Joe Sherry <address@hidden>, Joe
Klemp <address@hidden>, Mike Kraus <address@hidden>, Bill Kuo
<address@hidden>, Linda Miller <address@hidden>, marcia
Politovich <address@hidden>, John McGinley <address@hidden>, Patty
Miller <address@hidden>, Cindy Mueller <address@hidden>, Marilyn
Wolfson <address@hidden>, Tom  Carty <address@hidden>, Greg
Tripoli <address@hidden>, Wes Wilson <address@hidden>, Bill Gallus
<address@hidden>, James Block <address@hidden>, Jim
Tuccillo <address@hidden>, "Greg E. Mann" <address@hidden>, Cynthia Nelson
<address@hidden>, Danny Sims <address@hidden>, Roy Rasmussen
<address@hidden>, Tom Warner <address@hidden>, Mike Eilts
<address@hidden>, "Richard M. Giannola" <address@hidden>,
Paul Bruce <address@hidden>, Jim Jung <address@hidden>, Phil Merilees
<address@hidden>, Bill  Cotton <address@hidden>, John
Horel <address@hidden>, Tim J Schmit <address@hidden>, Henry
Juang <address@hidden>, Jack Kain <address@hidden>, Brett  McDonald
<address@hidden>, John Schaake <address@hidden>, Julie Hayes
<address@hidden>, Thomas N Pyke <address@hidden>, Michel Davison
<address@hidden>, Maria Perone <address@hidden>, Leslie Hart
<address@hidden>, D'Aleo Joe <address@hidden>, Ron McPherson
<address@hidden>, "address@hidden"
<address@hidden>, Roy Jenne <address@hidden>, Dan Tarpley
<address@hidden>, Russ Elsberry <address@hidden>, Ming Xue
<address@hidden>, John Michalakas <address@hidden>, Richard Patchen
<address@hidden>, Dave Pace <address@hidden>, Jim Sheets
<address@hidden>, address@hidden, address@hidden, hodur
<address@hidden>, "Bill.Lapenta" <address@hidden>, molinari
<address@hidden>, emanuel <address@hidden>, nuss
<address@hidden>, jpaegle <address@hidden>, ezipser
<address@hidden>, Marty Ralph <address@hidden>, Steve
Silberberg <address@hidden>, Maureen Cedro <address@hidden>,
Thomas Nehrkorn <address@hidden>, Bryan Batson <address@hidden>,
manobianco <address@hidden>, Steven K Krueger
<address@hidden>, Steven Lazarus <address@hidden>,
feichen <address@hidden>, Miro  Lehky <address@hidden>, "Peter
S. Dailey" <address@hidden>, Steve Koch <address@hidden>, T Soong
<address@hidden>, Mike Fritsch <address@hidden>, Peter Sousounis
<address@hidden>, boucher <address@hidden>, kishi
<address@hidden>, lee34 <address@hidden>, mchenry <address@hidden>, chen
<address@hidden>, Dave Stauffer <address@hidden>, dklee
<address@hidden>, Roland  Stull <address@hidden>, j hack
<address@hidden>, jewett <address@hidden>, Jim Steenburgh
<address@hidden>, Bob Ballentine <address@hidden>,
jason Ching <address@hidden>, bw <address@hidden>, "David J.
Stensrud" <address@hidden>, Adrian Marroquin
<address@hidden>, Dave Matthews <address@hidden>, jim  nelson
<address@hidden>, Rod Scofield <address@hidden>, Mohan
Ramamurthy <address@hidden>, Bob  Showalter <address@hidden>, Tommy
Owens <address@hidden>, Fernando Caracena <address@hidden>, Glenn Rolph
<address@hidden>, Jean-François Louis <address@hidden>, John
Henderson <address@hidden>, Jorge Sanchez <address@hidden>, Jien-Wen Bao
<address@hidden>, Richard  Ritz <address@hidden>, "Tanya L.
Otte" <address@hidden>, Alan  Czarnetzki <address@hidden>
Subject: ftp-server heads-up


Just a heads-up for any of you that might still be using NCEP's old
NIC server for ftp access to grids (e.g. ftp://nic.fb4.noaa.gov/pub/)
This server is currently running without any maintenance so if it goes
down, it will stay down.  In any event, the plan is to turn it off
by the end of September anyway.

So check your scripts and make sure they ALL point at NCEP's new ftp
site at ftp://ftp.ncep.noaa.gov  -or-
the NWS' OSO server -or-
its equivalent at

Also, if you can, you should definitely consider using UNIDATA's
gridded-data arrangement called CONDUIT.  Details can be found at

---------- End Forwarded Message ----------

Linda Miller
External Liaison, Unidata
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
P.O. Box 3000
Boulder, CO 80307-3000
303 497-8646 fax: 303-497-8690
URL:  http:/www.unidata.ucar.edu/staff/lmiller/un.act.html
--- Begin Message ---
  • Subject: ftp-server heads-up
  • Date: Mon, 16 Aug 1999 09:07:15 -0400

Just a heads-up for any of you that might still be using NCEP's old 
NIC server for ftp access to grids (e.g. ftp://nic.fb4.noaa.gov/pub/)
This server is currently running without any maintenance so if it goes
down, it will stay down.  In any event, the plan is to turn it off
by the end of September anyway.  

So check your scripts and make sure they ALL point at NCEP's new ftp 
site at ftp://ftp.ncep.noaa.gov  -or-
the NWS' OSO server -or- 
its equivalent at

Also, if you can, you should definitely consider using UNIDATA's 
gridded-data arrangement called CONDUIT.  Details can be found at
n:DiMego;Geoffrey J.
tel;work:301-763-8000 ext 7221
title:Chief, Mesoscale Modeling Branch
adr;quoted-printable:;;NOAA/NWS/NCEP=0D=0AEnvironmental Modeling Center - 
W/NP22=0D=0A5200 Auth Road, Room 205=0D=0A;Suitland;MD;20746-4304;USA
fn:Geoffrey J. DiMego

--- End Message ---