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19990701: uniarch FTP access on dataproc

>From: Pamela Gillman <address@hidden>
>Organization: National Center for Atmospheric Research
>Keywords: 199906301433.IAA09051

Pam, et. al.,

>> o is it necessary for the following directories to exist under the
>>   top level directory of the 'uniarch' FTP account:
>>   usr/     lib/     etc/     lib32/   dev/     bin/
>>   If not, could  you remove them?  Thanks.
>These are necessary for the ftp to be contained only in that directory.  These
>are the system files that let ls, etc work since the ftp user doesn't have
>access to the rest of the system.


I tried FTPing to dataproc today using the uniarch account and then doing
things like ls, dir, etc.  No listings are produced even in directories
with numerous data files:

ftp> pwd
257 "/ddplus" is current directory.
ftp> ls
200 PORT command successful.
150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for '/bin/ls'.
226 Transfer complete.
ftp> cd ../fsl2
250 CWD command successful.
ftp> cd 06min
250 CWD command successful.
ftp> ls
200 PORT command successful.
150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for '/bin/ls'.
226 Transfer complete.

Any idea why the listings are empty?  A listing from the ldmdp login
shows a much different story:

cd data/raw/fsl2/01hr
19991822100_01hr.nc   19991811800_01hr.nc   19991801500_01hr.nc
19991822000_01hr.nc   19991811700_01hr.nc   19991801400_01hr.nc
19991821900_01hr.nc   19991811600_01hr.nc   19991801300_01hr.nc
19991821800_01hr.nc   19991811500_01hr.nc   19991801200_01hr.nc
19991821700_01hr.nc   19991811400_01hr.nc   19991801100_01hr.nc
19991821600_01hr.nc   19991811300_01hr.nc   19991801000_01hr.nc
19991821500_01hr.nc   19991811200_01hr.nc   19991800900_01hr.nc
19991821400_01hr.nc   19991811100_01hr.nc   19991800800_01hr.nc
19991821300_01hr.nc   19991811000_01hr.nc   19991800700_01hr.nc
19991821200_01hr.nc   19991810900_01hr.nc   19991800600_01hr.nc
19991821100_01hr.nc   19991810800_01hr.nc   19991800500_01hr.nc
19991821000_01hr.nc   19991810700_01hr.nc   19991800400_01hr.nc
19991820900_01hr.nc   19991810600_01hr.nc   19991800300_01hr.nc
19991820800_01hr.nc   19991810500_01hr.nc   19991800200_01hr.nc
19991820700_01hr.nc   19991810400_01hr.nc   19991800100_01hr.nc
19991820600_01hr.nc   19991810300_01hr.nc   19991800000_01hr.nc
19991820500_01hr.nc   19991810200_01hr.nc   19991792300_01hr.nc
19991820400_01hr.nc   19991810100_01hr.nc   19991792200_01hr.nc
19991820300_01hr.nc   19991810000_01hr.nc   19991792100_01hr.nc
19991820200_01hr.nc   19991802300_01hr.nc   19991792000_01hr.nc
19991820100_01hr.nc   19991802200_01hr.nc   19991791900_01hr.nc
19991820000_01hr.nc   19991802100_01hr.nc   19991791800_01hr.nc
19991812300_01hr.nc   19991802000_01hr.nc   19991791700_01hr.nc
19991812200_01hr.nc   19991801900_01hr.nc   19991791600_01hr.nc
19991812100_01hr.nc   19991801800_01hr.nc   19991791500_01hr.nc
19991812000_01hr.nc   19991801700_01hr.nc   19991791400_01hr.nc
19991811900_01hr.nc   19991801600_01hr.nc

>I'll let you know when the start files are done.

Thanks for all of the help.
