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19990531: Need archived data at SSEC

>From: "Neil R. Smith" <address@hidden>
>Organization: Dept. Meteorology, TAMU
>Keywords: 199905311558.JAA24812 Unidata Wisconsin archive


>We need to request some archived satelite data from SSEC.  I 
>understand you guys need to provide some access info before
>making the request to address@hidden.

Here is the access information you need:

machine: unidata.ssec.wisc.edu
user: XXXXXX
pass: XXXXXX
directory: neartime - online access to very recent data
           urequest - directory under which user requests are loaded

Please review the information in:


For an explanation for the file naming conventions, etc.


You are welcome.

>Neil R. Smith, Sys. Admin.              address@hidden
>Dept. Meteorology, Texas A&M Univ.      409/845-6272 FAX:409/862-4466

Tom Yoksas