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19990512: Washington data archive setup (cont.)

>Harry Edmon <address@hidden>
>Organization: University of Illinois
>Keywords: 199905050346.VAA11109 data archive


>Our on-line archive is composed of hourly files of the raw data,
>available via FTP.  We also have a tape archive, but this has selected
>raw data, and it uses the file names we use in the pqact.conf file.
>This has made it convenient for our use, but difficult for us to
>restore data for others.

Could I get a copy of your pqact.conf file?  Do you have any overview
documents about your system?  If so, can I get a copy?

>The problem is that data requests usually come in two forms:  either you want
>all the data for a particular day, or you want a series of a specific
>data set (for example, upper air data).  It is hard to archive the
>data for both of these types of requests.

Right.  One of our long-term goals for the collaborative project with
SCD is to provide server access to the data (DODS, for instance).  With
a setup like that, you could ask the system for slabs, hyper-slabs,
time series, etc., and, thus, get back more-or-less exactly what you
are looking for.

One of the problems we are facing, as you might imagine, is we are now
short handed.  I was hoping to leverage the work that you, Illinois, and,
prehaps, Scripps has done in getting things started here.  Of course,
any/all input you might have would be _greatly_ appreciated.
