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19990216: Re: Meteosat Second Generation (MSG) (fwd)

Hi Guys,

I thought you might be interested in the meteosat issue, addressed by


Linda Miller                            
External Liaison                        Telephone: (303) 497-8646
UCAR/Unidata Program Center             Fax: (303) 497-8690             
P.O. Box 3000                           E-mail: address@hidden
Boulder, CO 80307-3000                  http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tues, 16 Feb 99  22:30:38 UTC
From: wxsat mailer <address@hidden>
Reply-To: address@hidden
To: address@hidden
Subject: Re: Meteosat Second Generation (MSG)

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Subject: Re: Meteosat Second Generation (MSG)
From: =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Volker=20G=E4rtner?= <address@hidden>
Date: Tue, 16 Feb 1999 15:21:48 +0100

In response to James Brown's question on the data policy for the Meteosat =
Second Generation (MSG) we can give the following answers:

                1.      There will be two digital dissemination missions:
a.      the high rate information transmission (HRIT) at 1 Mbps at 1695.15 =
b.      the low rate information transmission (LRIT) at 128 kbps at 1691 =

        Discussions on MSG data policy are ongoing and the interests of =
the amateur meteorological groups, such as RIG, have certainly been noted. =
EUMETSAT does not envisage a major change to the current data policy, i.e. =
EUMETSAT will continue to make available free of charge, a sub-set of =
unencrypted data. The conclusions from the initial discussions on the =
availability of LRIT data indicate that there will be a subset of data =
freely available without conditions on use (i.e. unencrypted 6-hourly, =
full disk, full resolution of up to 5 channels).  The remaining data will =
be encrypted, but it may be made available free of charge to certain user =
groups.  Further discussions are required with regard to HRIT data in the =
coming months, however, it is expected that MSG data policy will be fully =
established by the end of 1999. It is anticipated that those user groups =
currently receiving a large set of Meteosat data free of charge (e.g. =
research projects, educational users) will also have access to an =
equivalent free set from MSG.

Over the coming months EUMETSAT will start to publish data policy =
information on the EUMETSAT web site:

                2.      The currently used PDUS key units will not be =
usable for MSG, neither for LRIT nor for HRIT. The new key units will have =
to be obtained from EUMETSAT. The price of the new key units is not yet =
known, but most likely it will not be more than the current price of 700 =
        Two prototype MSG user stations are currently under development =
for inclusion into EUMETSAT'S new MSG ground segment. A CD-ROM containing =
a comprehensive set of documentation relating to the MSG system, data and =
HRUS/LRUS user station design is about to be shipped to all delegates of =
the EUMETSAT member states and to all known manufacturers in the next 7 - =
10 days. Additionally, this data set will eventually get onto the =
EUMETSAT's Web pages.=20

                3.      The quality of the 'lossy' compressed jpeg images =
on the LRIT mission will be significantly better than the present WEFAX =
images. The image data are only slightly 'lossy' compressed (compression =
factor of 5) and the resulting 'loss' will be almost invisible in the =
images . Due to the application of the compression technique and the =
avoidance of duplication of image information in the dissemination stream =
the information content of the LRIT mission is significantly higher than =
that of the present PDUS systems. =20

                4.      Furthermore EUMETSAT plans to provide a limited =
amount of MSG image data also via the Internet.

                5.       Further requests for information should be =
directed to the EUMETSAT User Service :        address@hidden. =20

Best regards,

Volker Gaertner
EUMETSAT User Service

Tel. (49) 6151 807369
Fax. (49) 6151 807304
e-mail: address@hidden

internet:  http://www.eumetsat.de

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