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15 Formats and Performance
Implications of format on performance. Performance tips and pitfalls.

15.0  NetCDF Format Versions
There are several ways to represent netCDF data.
15.1  Parts of a File in Classic Format
A netCDF classic or 64-bit offset file is stored in three parts.
15.2  Classic File Format
Understanding the netCDF classic format makes clear why modifying the schema of a netCDF file may be slow.
15.3  Benchmark Example
Example benchmark of netCDF copy program, implemented two ways.
15.4  NetCDF Classic Performance Tips
Avoid premature optimization: worry about performance only after you determine where the bottlenecks are.
15.5  NetCDF-4 File Format
The netCDF-4 file format, based on HDF5, is designed for high-performance with large files.
15.6  NetCDF-4 Performance Tips
Using the netCDF-4 formats can provide performance benefits.
15.7  Using Less Space for Data
Using less disk space for your data can also reduce access time.
15.8  Making Data Access Faster
If netCDF access time is a bottleneck, these techniques may help.


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