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Weather Analysis

Commands in this category list or display weather information. Those that deal with a specific data type (image, grid, point, or text) also appear in those categories.

Command Purpose
ADT Estimates tropical cyclone intensity using the Advanced Dvorak Technique.
ADVDISP Plots flight advisories (airmets and sigmets).
CHILL Calculates the wind chill index.
FOUSDISP Plots FOUS data from FOUS14 point files.
FRNTDISP Displays fronts from NCEP frontal positions products.
GLMDISP Displays GOES-R Series Geostationary Lightning Mapper (GLM) point data.
GLMLIST Lists GOES-R Series Geostationary Lightning Mapper (GLM) point data.
HEAT Calculates the heat index and relative humidity.
HODO Plots a hodograph of upper-air data.
MOSRPT Lists MOS forecasts from the GFS, NAM and NGM models.
NLDNDISP Plot/Contour NLDN lightning data.
OBSRPT Lists the observational text reports.
PIRPPLOT Plots pilot and air report from PIRP schema point files.
PROFDISP Plots FSL wind profiler data.
PROFSECT Plots vertical time series of FSL-profiler wind fields.
RAOBCON Contours upper-air data from IRAB-schema point files.
RAOBPLOT Plots upper-air data from IRAB-schema point files.
RAOBRPT Lists upper air (RAOB) observations.
SFCCON Contours surface hourly data from ISFC-schema point files.
SFCLIST Lists surface hourly data from point files.
SFCMG Displays a surface meteorogram.
SFCPLOT Plots surface hourly data from ISFC-schema point files.
SFCRPT Lists surface hourly observations.
SYNRPT Lists synoptic observations.
TAFRPT Lists terminal aerodrome forecasts.
UACROSS Plots a vertical cross section of upper-air data.
UALIST Lists upper air data.
UAPLOT Plots a sounding on a thermodynamic diagram.
WWDISP Displays active weather warnings, watches and advisories.
WWLIST Lists active weather warnings, watches and advisories.
WXTLIST Lists weather text products.

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