GEMPAK Manual | Programs | Parameters


     ENCY is the initial time for the ENCY forecast tracks, the colors
     for each model track, the model names, flags for plotting the time,
     the forecast pressures and markers at each forecast time.

	Initial time|Model clrs|Model names|Time flg|Pres flg|
                    Marker flg|Color code flg;wlv1;wlv2;wlv3;wlv4|Fcst_Hour

     ENCY forecast tracks valid for the initial time will be plotted on
     the map.  Forecast tracks show points at 6 hour intervals from
     0 through 180 hours, if available. The initial time is given as 
     a GEMPAK date/time string.  Any missing items from the string will be
     filled in by the system time.  The initial time may also be LAST.
     LAST will use the system time to plot the most recent tracks whose
     initial time is within 9 hours of the current time.  ALL is not accepted
     as an initial time for ENCY data.

     The colors are separated by a semi-colon, as are the model names.
     If no colors or model names are given, all model tracks will be plotted
     at default colors.  If specific model names are listed, only those
     model tracks will be plotted.  Default colors will be used unless colors
     are explicitly given, with a one-to-one correspondence between model names
     and colors.  Specifying colors without model names has no effect.

     The time flag is YES or NO and controls whether or not to plot the initial
     time of the ENCY forecast tracks on the map.  The default is NO.

     The pressure flag is YES or NO and controls whether or not to plot the 
     pressure in millibars, when given, at each forecast time.
     The default is NO.

     The marker flag is YES or NO and controls whether or not to plot a
     marker at each forecast time on the map.  The default is NO.

     The color code flag is YES or NO and controls whether or not to color
     code the track based on the wind speed at each point of the track.
     If the flag is Y, the color coding is on.  The wind levels to color
     code the flag follow the flag.  If none are specified, the default 
     values of 34 and 64 mph are used.  The colors are controlled by
     miscset.tbl.  The default for flag is NO.

     Single forecast hour field takes value ranging from 0 to 120. And it
     should be multiples of 6 , namely 0,6,12,... 120. The value is not a
     multiple of 6, gpmap will round it to the nearest one less than this
     value. It can also take value -1, which means all forecast hour data 
     will be displayed. If no valid vaule is found, the default value -1
     will take effect.