Affiliation information usage and help
Is this information required for registration?

All fields denoted with a red asterisk '*' must be completed for registration. This includes:

  • Institution/Company Name
  • Affiliation Type

Department/Division*, and Profession are not required but we encourage you to provide this information.

Note*: if you wish to download or receive free support for a few particular software packages, such as McIDAS, this information may be required. For more information, please have a look at our participation policy.

How this information is used:

Although most of the software packages we support are freely available, we would like to track their use so that we can better understand who is using them and how they are being used. We do this so we can serve our community better.

If you wish to download or receive free support for a few particular software packages, such as McIDAS, your affiliation information is required. For more information, please have a look at our participation policy.

Note: We do NOT share or provide your information with any other group, organization, person(s), etc., outside of Unidata.

Example of completed entries:
Institution/Company Name:University of Colorado, Boulder
Department/Division:Computer Science
Affiliation Type:Degree Granting College or University
Help With Formatting:

Avoid Abbreviations: we request that you provide us with your full institution/company and department/division names and avoid general abbreviations such as SUNY, SERE, etc. Thank you.