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Re: Setting up my build environment for NetCDF java 4.1

David Neufeld wrote:
Hi John,

Thought I'd mention two issues I ran into in setting up my build environment for net-cdf Java.

The first was that I needed to locate a jar for jcip-annotations-1.0.jar <http://repository.jboss.com/maven2/net/jcip/jcip-annotations/1.0/jcip-annotations-1.0.jar>, perhaps this should be added to the optional libraries list?

The second is that ucar.nc2.iosp.bufr.MessageScanner is looking for

import ucar.unidata.io.RandomAccessFile;
import ucar.unidata.io.KMPMatch;

which don't seem to be in the current source code distribution.

Happy Holidays!


hi david:

both the net.jcip and the ucar.unidata.io package code are in common/src/java 
in the source distribution. im guessing you need to set your source path to 
include that root.

or are you are using the included build.xml?