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[McIDAS #JAV-781741]: McIDAS-X on Windows or Linux

Hi Kway,

> How often do you get interrupted by Windows 7 updates?

Microsoft makes Windows updates once per month, so once per month
is typical.  There are occasions where patches to a critical bug
are made more frequently, but this is not common.

> I suppose they are
> less frequent than the newer Windows 10.

I think that the update cycle is the same for all versions of Windows.

> Sometimes it seems that I use
> more time maintaining and updating Windows 10 than scripting in McIDAS.

I shut down my machine every day.  When I start it back up, a package
that I run to let me know when Windows things (OS, programs, etc.) need
to be updated.  The (free) package that I am running is:

Secunia PSI

Given that Windows is the favorite target of hackers, it is supremely
important that one keeps all Windows applications and the OS updated.
My experience is that this takes time, but it is small in comparison
to the amount of time I spend in my CentOS VM doing McIDAS development,
answering support, etc.


Unidata User Support                                    UCAR Unidata Program
(303) 497-8642                                                 P.O. Box 3000
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Ticket Details
Ticket ID: JAV-781741
Department: Support McIDAS
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed
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