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[McIDAS #MPH-556293]: Error building mcidas2009 distribution

Hi Angel,

I just made a new distribution of Unidata McIDAS-X (v2009o) available
for download.  This distribution corrects the previous distribution
by including SSEC v2013.1 updates for three routines that relate to
MSG data:


It also includes some very minor updates related to MTSAT image data
processing (documentation only):


You should grab the new version and rebuild McIDAS from scratch:

<as 'mcidas'>
cd ~mcidas
-- download Unidata McIDAS-X v2009o, mcidasx2009.tar.gz
tar xvzf mcidasx2009.tar.gz

cd mcidas2009/src
make clobber
make mcx
make install.mcx

One thing to remember when dealing with the MSG HRIT files that
you have: there are at least two data files that are needed
for each time for the data to be usable, the first file (the
one that has PRO in its name, and the other that has the name
of the band (e.g., WV_073, VIS008, VIS006, IR_134, HRV, etc.)
in its name.  If the PRO file for a time is found, but the 
"band" file is not, McIDAS will still be able to give information
about the image using IMGLIST and will not give an error when
trying to display the IMAGE using IMGDISP, but o image data will
be displayed.  This will have the "feel" of there being a problem
with displaying the data being asked for (i.e., high resolution
vis data or the visible bands in the non-HRV data).

I just exercised the code modifications in a newly-rebuilt
instance in my development environment, so I am confident that
things should work for you as long as you do a full rebuild
AND have all the data files needed.


Unidata User Support                                    UCAR Unidata Program
(303) 497-8642                                                 P.O. Box 3000
address@hidden                                   Boulder, CO 80307
Unidata HomePage                       http://www.unidata.ucar.edu

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: MPH-556293
Department: Support McIDAS
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed