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[McIDAS #UGY-921131]: mcidas check.

Hi Dave,

Have a few minutes during the lunch break in the AWIPS-II training...

> Well one of the things I tried doing was compiling the 2012 decoders,
> failed.  Do you have binaries that are not yet up on the site because all I
> saw was the 2008 binaries.  Also, so does it appear I properly compiled
> mcidas except for the decoders.

I assume when you say decoders you mean ldm-mcidas decoders.  This package
is not part of McIDAS, and, quite frankly, only two of the decoders are
needed for decoding: proftomd and lgt2md (which replaced nldn2md).
McIDAS can use the UNIWISC and NIMAGE imagery directly -- it knows how
to uncompress the images on the fly.  GEMPAK also knows how to use the
images directly.  The only reason to uncompress ("decode") the images
is if one wants to use them in other applications (e.g., WXP?? I don't
know about WXP's capabilities in using satellite imagery much less if
Dan Vietor ever added the capability to use the compressed UNIWISC
and NIMAGE images directly).

I see a bunch of dc* files within the
> /home/ldm/decoders is that decoders from mcidas or something else that I
> don't seem to know about.  They are on the old server, but the new server I
> don't have them.

Decoder files that begin with 'dc' are GEMPAK decoders, not McIDAS or

> I just got the new weather with LDM up and running, still need to add in a
> scour cronjob but I think I got everything set for mcidas to be installed on
> the new weather.  I may try to tackle that on my own, but still need to know
> how to compile the 2012 decoders.  Gil Sebenste said that there have been
> significant updates since the 2008  binaries been released.  I'm on 64-bit
> also.

Actually Gilbert is a bit off as far as the ldm-mcidas decoders go -- they
are largely unchanged.  The biggest difference is the availability of
the lightning decoder 'lgt2md' which can handle NLDN and USPLN lightning

Please forgive me if you answered the following in a previous email:

- in what account are you trying to build the ldm-mcidas v2012 decoders?

- are the new weather and climate both running the same OS and compilers?

  If yes, the ldm-mcidas decoders only have to be built on one of the


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Ticket Details
Ticket ID: UGY-921131
Department: Support McIDAS
Priority: Normal
Status: Open