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[McIDAS #TLX-433036]: Longer GOES E/W composite loops

Hi Don,

Sorry for taking so long to get back to you.  Too many things going
on at the moment...

> - for a long time I have been thinking about changing the East-West
> composites so that a little less of GOES-West is included on the
> eastern margin (the current split is at 100W). The change would
> eliminate the missing sliver we always see in the southern portion
> west of the GOES-East portion of the composite.
> What do you think?

I think this would be good. It would also push the sharp boundary in
the water vapor composite into the Rockies where it might not be so
noticeable. There is a bit of a calibration difference between
east/west on the water vapor.

I implemented a change in the GOES-East/West compositing being done
on motherlode yesterday evening.  The short (10 image) sets of
East/West composites should now show the results -- no divot missing
on the southern portion of the composite.  Please take a hard look
at these and let me know if you see anything amiss (they look OK
to me, but...).  If they look good to you, I will implement saving
of the composites in sets of the same size as the other Unidata-Wisconsin
images (e.g., 96 "current" images, and 45 days of all images).


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Ticket Details
Ticket ID: TLX-433036
Department: Support McIDAS
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed