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[McIDAS #RYQ-556281]: nv1sae

Hi Julia,

> I need some help in calculating viewing angle. Is there a McIDAS command
> to do it?

I am currently out of the country on travel for a conference.  I will be able
to provide some help when I return to the office on Tuesday or Wednesday of
next week.

> I have seen in the program manual that function nv1sae can do
> it. I searched through my computer. But I didn't find such fortran
> fuction.
> The closest function whose name begins with nv1s is:
> mcidas@dundo:~$ find ./ -name nv1s\*
> > ./mcidas2006/src/nv1sin.f
> > ./mcidas2006/src/nv1sin.o
> Do you have any idea why there is no nv1sae in my installation?
> Thank you very much.
> Julia


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Ticket Details
Ticket ID: RYQ-556281
Department: Support McIDAS
Priority: Normal
Status: Open