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[McIDAS #KFS-793806]: Trouble Installing the McIDAS-X 2005 ADDE Remote Server

Hi Adrianna,

> I am writing to you in regard with the steps you told me to do in order to
> get the remote server McIDAS-X 2005 ADDE setup under Solaris 5.10.
> We successfully used Solaris 10 utility "inetconv" to convert inetd.conf
> line to xml. The manifest file was created in /var/svc/manifest/network and
> named mcidas-tcp.xml just like you told us.
> However when we used the 'svcs' command to list out the service status, we
> got that the status was not "online", but "maintenance".

Since I had never seen the 'maintenance' indication in Solaris 5.10's 'svcs'
listing before, I needed to do some research before getting back to you.

A quick Google (tm) search using:

svcs maintenance +solaris

for search keys gave the following reference that appears useful:

BigAdmin Xpert Session - Predictive Self-Healing: Solaris Fault ...

Here is the Question and Answer pair that see appropriate:

  Q:  What happens when an smf(5) service fails?

  A: When a service participating in smf(5) fails due to a hardware error such 
as an
  uncorrectable memory fault, software error such as a service core dump, or 
even administrative
  error such as killing the wrong process, the fault is detected and the 
service is automatically
  restarted by smf(5). Any services which depend upon the failing service are 
also immediately
  stopped so that they can be restarted when the failing service recovers.

  Service status is given for all services on the system through the svcs(1) 
command. If a service
  cannot be restarted by the system, it is put into the "maintenance" state. 
The svcs -x command
  gives as much diagnosis of the failure as possible, including the reason for 
failure, pointers to
  log files and man pages, and a summary of other services which are impacted 
by the failure. A
  pointer to a knowledge article with further information about possible causes 
and remedies for
  the fault is also given.

It appears that 'svcs -x' should give you important information on why 'svcs' 
is not listing
the remote McIDAS ADDE service as being online.  The command you will need to 
execute as 'root'

svcs -x /network/mcidas/tcp

> We compared our manifest file with yours, and the only difference we noticed
> was the tag "dependency", we don't have one.

I noticed this when comparing our XML file to yours.  I am not sure why there
is a difference.

> The server administrator also told me that she has tried to use inetconv in
> the past and it always happens the same thing, the service status is
> maintenance, but she doesn't know who to fix that.

This should mean that 'svcs -x /network/mcidas/tcp' will give us some valuable
information.  Please send me the output from this command when you get it.

> I was wondering if maybe you can help us, by telling us if there is
> something wrong with our manifest file, or if you think that our release of
> Solaris need a patch.

See below.

> The manifest is attached to this email, and the information about our
> release is:
> bash-3.00# cat /etc/release
> Solaris 10 3/05 s10_74L2a SPARC
> Copyright 2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
> Use is subject to license terms.
> Assembled 22 January 2005

This shows that you are running one of the first releases of Solaris 10 on
your machine.  To see what your patch level is, please run:

showrev -p

> Thank you so much in advance,

It is most likely that 'svcs -x /network/mcidas/tcp' will help pinpoint the
problem you are having.

We are guessing that installation of current patches will help your situation.


Unidata User Support                                    UCAR Unidata Program
(303) 497-8642                                                 P.O. Box 3000
address@hidden                                   Boulder, CO 80307
Unidata HomePage                       http://www.unidata.ucar.edu

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: KFS-793806
Department: Support McIDAS
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed