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20000706: McIDAS RTGRIDS MRF/AVN data (cont.)

>From: Mark Tucker <address@hidden>
>Organization: Lyndon State
>Keywords: 200007061904.e66J4vT23872 McIDAS-XCD RTGRIDS MRF AVN


re: XCD decoding of GRID data for McIDAS

>Our ADDE server is still on Cirrus.  I have not applied to last addendum
>to McIdas.  I downloaded the 18 May 2000 mcupdate.tar.Z.  I am not sure if
>I had last updated with the March or April addendum so I was wondering if
>they are cumulative.

The addendum file is cumulative.  The updates in the file get used if
you use the mcunpack script in the ~mcidas/mcidas7.6/update directory
and then cd to the ~mcidas/mcidas7.6/src directory and do a make all
followed by a make install.all.

>Also, is there any mailing list where these are
>announced?  I am currently subscribed to the mcidas-x list.

The addenda are not announced by email.  They are "announced" on the
McIDAS-X homepage, and users are encouraged to check it from time to

re: I could not get listings of GRID files off of cirrus

>I am not sure what you mean here.  Our ADDE server has always been

When I "point" at cirrus, and try to get a listing of GRID files, here
is what I see:


Group Name                    Server IP Address
--------------------         ----------------------------------------
RTGRIDS                      CIRRUS.LSC.VSC.EDU

<LOCAL-DATA> indicates that data will be accessed from the local data directory.
DATALOC -- done

        Dataset Names of Type: GRID  in Group: RTGRIDS

Name         NumPos   Content
------------ ------   --------------------------------------
ALL            400    Real-Time Grids
ECMWF           10    ECMWF Grids
ETA             40    ETA Grids
JET             10    LSC Jet Stream Grids
MISC            10    Miscellaneous Grids
MRF            100    MRF Grids
MRF-UW           2    MRF Grids in UW stream
NGM             40    NGM Grids
NGM-UW           2    NGM Grids in UW stream
RUC             80    RUC Grids

DSINFO -- done

GRDLIST: No Data Found
GRDLIST - done
GRDLIST failed, RC=2

The fact that I can get a listing from DSINFO tells me that the ADDE
remote server is installed and is operational.

The "No Data Found" message from GRDLIST tells me that either there is
no data (i.e., no GRID files) in the dataset RTGRIDS/MRF or that the
ADDE setup is incorrect (the mapping between GRID files and ADDE
data set).  The ADDE setup can be checked from your end by running
the following in a McIDAS-X session:


This will tell us the mappings between actual GRID files and the datasets
that are supposed to contain them.  The output from this should look

 Dataset Position  Creation Date Max Grids         Directory Title
 ----------------  ------------- --------- -------------------------------
        7             2000187       5000   ALL  00Z MRF 0  HR<=VT<=24 HR
        8             2000188       5000   ALL  00Z MRF 0  HR<=VT<=24 HR
       17             2000187       5000   ALL  00Z MRF 24 HR< VT<=48 HR
       18             2000188       5000   ALL  00Z MRF 24 HR< VT<=48 HR
       27             2000187       5000   ALL  00Z MRF 48 HR< VT<=72 HR
       28             2000188       5000   ALL  00Z MRF 48 HR< VT<=72 HR
       37             2000187       5000   ALL  00Z MRF 72 HR< VT<=96 HR
       38             2000188       5000   ALL  00Z MRF 72 HR< VT<=96 HR
       47             2000187       5000   ALL  00Z MRF > 96  HR
       48             2000188       5000   ALL  00Z MRF > 96  HR
GRDLIST - done

When we get the remote ADDE access working to your machine, I can look
through the GRID files in the RTGRIDS/MRF dataset to see if they
look like what I suspect.  After that, I can help you track down
(through a possible reconfiguration of the XCD grid decoder setup files:
RTMODELS.CFG and NOGRIB.CFG)) the reason that you do not have all of the
GRIDs as Bill noted earlier.
