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Re: iniciar o ldm

Hi Waldenio,

>Date: Thu, 27 Jan 2005 13:58:38 -0200
>From: Waldenio Almeida <address@hidden>
>To: address@hidden
>Subject: iniciar o ldm

The above message contained the following:

> Again in Brazil, now writing a new installation
> guide in portuguese, before go to Rio to pick up
> my new computers...


> I saw the new script for LDM automatic start/stop. 
> Before the instructions were bigger, including the
> simbolic links to scripts (inet.d, rc3.d, rc5.d)
> and permission changes. 
> Did you change something about these procedures, or
> I can simply follow the older procedures to make the
> new script active ?

I removed the explanation about inet.d, rc5.d, etc., because only some
operating systems do it that way.  The boot-time script should be OK for
most computer systems, but how it should be installed depends on the
operating system.

> Thanks,
> Waldenio.

Steve Emmerson