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20030610: LDM under hpux

Gregory and Brian,

>Date: Tue, 10 Jun 2003 14:30:27 -0500
>From: "Gregory Grosshans" <address@hidden>
>Organization: NOAA
>To: Steve Emmerson <address@hidden>
>Subject: Re: 20030610: LDM under hpux

The above message contained the following:

> The mailserver Brian uses has been down for a couple of hours.  He said 
> he would create an account and give you the necessary information.  
> I've included the results of your request below, from a HPUX-11i machine.
> Thanks for your help.
> Gregg
> ldmfawbu@fawbush> grep -n syslog ulog.i
> 1919:# 1 "/usr/include/syslog.h"
> 1925:       extern int syslog(int, const char *, ...);
> 2371:# 1 "/usr/include/syslog.h"
> 2750:syslog(int pri, const char *fmt, ...)
> ldmfawbu@fawbush>
> ldmfawbu@fawbush> sed -n '2744,2750p' ulog.i
> }
> # 597
> int
> syslog(int pri, const char *fmt, ...)
> ldmfawbu@fawbush>

Odd.  The definition for syslog() in the above 

    int syslog(int pri, const char *fmt, ...)

is completely consistent with the declaration for syslog() in the above.

    extern int syslog(int, const char *, ...);

and belies the error that Brian encountered.

Would you please tell me what happens when you compile the following

    #if defined(__STDC__) || defined(_AIX)
    #    include <stdarg.h>
    #    error "__STDC__ not defined"
    extern int foo(int, ...);

    int foo(int arg, ...)
        return 0;

Steve Emmerson