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[IDV #EBO-454649]: IDV security

Dear Cory,

The IDV available via webstart 
(http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/software/idv/webstart/IDV/idv.jnlp) is properly 
signed by a certificate authority. Apart from that I do not believe we have 
anything like what you are looking for.

Best Wishes,

Unidata IDV Support

> Yuan et al:
> Hi, this is Cory Demko. You may (or may not) remember me from past WRF/MET
> tutorials and Unidata workshops. I'm a Wyoming grad currently working as a
> meteorologist for the Department of Defense, Defense Threat Reduction Agency
> (DOD/DTRA). Our group is tasked with CBRNE (chemical, biological,
> radiological, nuclear, and explosive) response and risk assessment. We are
> currently trying to get meteorological data visualization software (IDV)
> installed onto our network. Part of this process will involve our IT
> conducting a series of IT related test on the IDV for "networthiness." Does
> Unidata provide some sort of IT related certificate for the IDV stating
> potential security risks and impacts in IT systems? If so, this would
> definitely help out our cause in trying to get some form of data
> visualization software on our systems to help our staff make meteorological
> based decisions.
> Thanks,
> J. Cory Demko, Ph.D
> Lead Meteorologist
> DTRA-Reachback
> address@hidden
> address@hidden
> 703-767-3445/3448

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: EBO-454649
Department: Support IDV
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed