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[IDV #UEQ-666660]: Creating GRIB2 Files From Forecast Models

Hi Jacob-

Sorry for the delay in responding.

> Full Name: Jacob Gore
> Email Address: address@hidden
> Organization: Educational
> Package Version: 2.7b1 build date:2009-05-16 07:11 UTC
> Operating System: Linux
> Hardware: Java: home: /home/jacob/IDV_2.7b1/jre version: 1.6.0_13 j3d:1.5.2 
> fcs (build4)
> Description of problem: I have a question regarding creating GRIB2 files 
> based upon a specific variable from a single model such as the GFS, NAM, etc. 
>  I am
> currently helping Chief Meteorologist Greg Fishel of WRAL TV in Raleigh, NC 
> and he is interested in creating a GRIB2 file whereby he would       derive a 
> specific variable from a forecast model and along with defining a certain 
> variable, he would like to further down narrow the GRIB2 file  with a subset 
> region and other parameters.  My question is, could you create a GRIB2 file 
> in the IDV that has a set variable and specified         parameters for the 
> file?

The IDV does not have an export to GRIB (1 or 2) facility.  You can export
a particular display to a netCDF file that can be read back into the
IDV (and other programs that handle netCDF like ArcGrid).  Use the
Display's File->Save->Export Displayed Data.  If you want to make a volume
with a formula, then use the Export->Export Grid/Image to netCDF formula
by right clicking and selecting Evaluate.  All the grid subset information
(space, time) is maintained.

Don Murray

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: UEQ-666660
Department: Support IDV
Priority: High
Status: Open