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[LDM #FGZ-978731]: LDM installation and configuration at USNA

Hi Alex,

> Can we get back after this next week?  I am free Tuesday 1200 EDT - 1530
> EDT. Or I am free Wednesday 0730-1530 EDT.

Tuesday will work best for me.

I apologize for not being able to get back to your problem this past week!

The procedure that I want to try is:

- capture some "raw" surface observational products

- try running the netCDF metar decoder on the captured producs
  by hand

  Messages sent back to the screen (STDOUT) should help pinpoint
  why this decoder is not running.  Once we know that, we will
  know why the other netCDF decoders are not running.

- after figuring out why the netCDF decoders are not running
  all that will remain is uncommenting the ~ldm/etc/ldmd.conf
  EXEC entry that runs the netCDF decoders

The other thing that I promised was a fleshed out ~ldm/etc/scour.conf
file.  This should not be of critical importance since the Perl based
scouring should be working.  This is something that we should look at
carefully to make sure that scouring is, in fact, being done.

Was there anything else that you wanted to address?


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Ticket Details
Ticket ID: FGZ-978731
Department: Support IDD
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed
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