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[IDD #VJN-743814]: GEMPAK

Hi Massoud,

> <as 'root'>
> /etc/init.d/syslog stop
> /etc/init.d/syslog start
> After doing this, I check the PID file by typing 'ls -alt
> /var/run/syslogd.pid' and the file was created.

Very good.

> Then I did the following.
> <as 'ldm'>
> cd ~ldm/logs
> rm ldmd.log
> touch ldmd.log
> hupsyslog
> couldn't open /var/run/syslogd.pid

This should only happen if 'hupsyslog' is not running with setuid root 
Please send me the results of:

<as 'ldm'>
cd ~ldm
ls -alt `which hupsyslog`

And also send the output of:


> logger -p local0.debug 'test of LDM logging'
> [ldm@wimden logs]$ more ldmd.log
> Jul  6 11:52:21 wimden gempak: test of LDM logging
> So, yes my ~ldm/logs/ldmd.log file does contain 'test of
> LDM logging.'

This worked because the restarted version of 'syslogd' read
the new /etc/syslog.conf file.

> Afterwards, I tried restarting LDM and I
> got the following message.
> [ldm@wimden etc]$ ldmadmin restart
> the LDM is not running or its process-ID is unavailable
> find: /home/ldm/ldmd.pid: No such file or directory
> The writer-counter of the product-queue is not zero.
> Either a process has the product-queue open for writing or the
> queue might be corrupt.  Terminate the process and recheck or
> use
> pqcat -l- -s -q /home/ldm/data/ldm.pq && pqcheck -F -q /home/ldm/data/ldm.pq
> to validate the queue and set the writer-counter to zero.
> Jul 6 19:04:06 UTC wimden.vams.nasa.gov : LDM not started

> [ldm@wimden logs]$ pqcat -l- -s -q /home/ldm/data/ldm.pq
> && pqcheck -F -q /home/ldm/data/ldm.pq
> Jul 06 19:24:31 pqcat NOTE: Starting Up (3668)
> Jul 06 19:24:51 pqcat ERROR: pq_sequence: xdr_prod_info() failed
> Jul 06 19:24:51 pqcat ERROR: pq_sequence failed: Input/output error (errno = 
> 5)
> Jul 06 19:24:51 pqcat NOTE: Exiting
> Jul 06 19:24:51 pqcat NOTE: Number of products 66344
> Before I left here yesterday, my computer froze and I had
> to restart it manually. So its possible something could've
> happened as a result of me not shutting down the computer
> properly.


> Any suggestions on what I can do to resolve this problem?

This one is very easy, simply delete and remake the LDM queue:

<as 'ldm'>
ldmadmin stop      <- should show an error, but ignore it
ldmadmin delqueue  <- delete the current queue
ldmadmin mkqueue   <- create a new queue
ldmadmin start

Your LDM should come up running, AND there should now be logging in 

We still need to figure out why the 'hupsyslog' is not working on your system.
The reason is that your LDM log file will need to be "rotated" periodically.
This is done by creating the following entry in 'ldm's crontab:

# Rotate LDM log files
0 21 * * * bin/ldmadmin newlog
0 21 * * * bin/newlog logs/ldm-mcidas.log 7

The first entry rotates the LDM log file; the second rotates the ldm-mcidas.log 
and keeps 7 online at any time.

The log rotation relies on being able to send a HUP signal to syslogd.  So, 
us figuring out what is going on with hupsyslog on your system, LDM log rotation
will not work.  This will be of no consequence to begin with, but will get 
as the log file grows.


Unidata User Support                                    UCAR Unidata Program
(303) 497-8642                                                 P.O. Box 3000
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Ticket Details
Ticket ID: VJN-743814
Department: Support IDD
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed