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Re: 20070322:NLDN Feed Request

Hi Jeff and Nick,

We already have an entry for UNF:

# University of North Florida
# Dr. Pat Welsh - address@hidden
# Mark Price - sysadmin - address@hidden
ALLOW   NLDN    ^crusty\.cocse\.unf\.edu$
ALLOW   NLDN    ^crusty\.ccec\.unf\.edu$

Because of the large number of institutions we feed
this data to (over 90 now) our policy has to be one machine
per campus.

Is the machine you are requesting a feed for a substitute
for the above? If so, are you the new systems
contact person?

If this is an additional feed for UNF we request
you feed from your existing campus feed (rules prohibit
you from distributing off campus in any form, but,
you can redistribute on campus).

Let us know,
> Hi David,
> We have a request from:
> Nick Chape
> Project Manager
> Advanced Weather Information Systems Lab
> University of North Florida
> email: address@hidden
> ..to ingest NLDN data.
> Nick is aware that he cannot re-distribute the data or display on the web.
> He is requesting allows for two machines, one is a back-up, and will be
> requesting from only one at a time, except perhaps during a brief testing
> phase.
> His machines are:
>  1. laps.ccec.unf.edu ( [primary]
>  2. ldm.ccec.unf.edu ( [backup]
> Thank you for considering this request,
> Jeff
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> Jeff Weber                                    address@hidden        :
> Unidata Program Center                        PH:303-497-8676        :
> University Corp for Atmospheric Research      3300 Mitchell Ln       :
> http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/staff/jweber      Boulder,Co 80307-3000  :
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------

>From address@hidden  Fri Mar 23 10:57:41 2007

>I am the new contact person at UNF and the old Crusty machine has been 
>retired. The new Host / IP is...
>1. laps.ccec.unf.edu ( [primary]

>If I can provide an other details regarding this, please let me know.
>Thank you very much for your assistance in this matter.
>Nick Chape
>Project Manager
>University of North Florida
>email: address@hidden

>From address@hidden  Fri Mar 23 11:19:46 2007
>Date: Fri, 23 Mar 2007 17:18:10 GMT
>From: David Knight <address@hidden>
>To: address@hidden, address@hidden, address@hidden,
>        address@hidden
>Subject: RE: 20070322:NLDN Feed Request
>Cc: address@hidden, address@hidden, address@hidden


>     We have added an allow for laps.ccec.unf.edu to request
>NLDN data from striker2.atmos.albany.edu
>     As you know there are restrictions imposed on us by
>the company that collects this data on how it can be used
>and redistributed. These can be found at:
>     http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/data/data_usage.html
>Basically, the data can be used only for teaching and research.
>Any published results using the data should acknowledge the provider - Vaisala.
>The data cannot be redistributed in any form. In particular
>please do not put it on a www, gopher, ftp or other publically
>accessible server. Please follow these guidelines so that we
>can continue to make this data freely available to the Unidata
>community. Please make sure all your users are aware of these
>     In addition, none of the LDM/IDD data, including NLDN data, 
>should be used for any situation where lives might be in danger.
>     If you need to contact us about computer related issues
>it is best to send the email to address@hidden.