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[LDM #OGC-117993]: Failed to get data from idd.cise-nsf.gov

Hi David,

> Sorry for wrong information, my LDM version is 6.4.4., not 6.0.14.

OK. I was not able to determine this since your machine is apparently not
sending ingest statistics.  Please check to make sure that your ldmd.conf
file has an uncommented entry that looks like:

exec    "rtstats -h rtstats.unidata.ucar.edu"

If it does have such an entry, please run the following from your 'ldm' login:

nslookup rtstats.unidata.ucar.edu

If this shows that your machine can not resolve rtstats.unidata.ucar.edu into
a valid IP, then there is a DNS problem on your side.  If it can resolve
the IP, then it is likely that a firewall configuration on your side is
blocking the statistics from reaching us.

Second, since you are running LDM-6.4.x, changing the PRIMARY/ALTERNATE
settings on your request lines will have no affect since LDM-6.4.x does
auto switching of feeds by default.

Third, since you were already redundantly requesting the data you need,
it is most likely that the ingest problem resides at/near your machine.
A brute force test to see if you can get things going again would be
to do the following as 'ldm':

ldmadmin stop
ldmadmin delqueue
ldmadmin mkqueue -f
ldmadmin start

If this clears your problem, it would mean that there was something
wrong with your LDM queue.  If it does not clear the problem, you might
try rebooting your machine.

One other test that you could try before rebooting is to try and
run 'notifyme -vxl- -f IDS -h idd.unidata.ucar.edu'.  'notifyme'
will, if successful, tell you the files that the upstream feeder
(idd.unidata.ucar.edu in this case) is receiving.  If 'notifyme'
shows you files being received on your machine, then you should
be able to get data through your ldmd.conf request lines.  Let's cross
that hurdle when we come to it...

I see from a previous email that you are running RedHat 9.  I would
_strongly_ recommend that you upgrade to a current version of Linux since
security updates have not been available for RedHat 9 for several years.
We run Fedora Core 3, 4, 5, and 6 in-house, so we can recommend Fedora Core.
If you decide to upgrade, we suggest going straight to Fedora Core 6
since it is the newest release and will have security updates for the
longest period of time.

Can you also provide information on your machine's:

- CPU(s) and memory

- disk space.  For this, the output of 'df -k' would be useful along with
  letting us know which file system the LDM HOME directory is located on



> David YEUNG wrote:
> > Dear Tom
> >
> > I have changed my ldmd.conf file from:
> >
> > request DDPLUS|IDS     ".*" idd.cise-nsf.gov PRIMARY
> > request DDPLUS|IDS     ".*" idd.unidata.ucar.edu ALTERNATE
> >
> > to:
> >
> > request DDPLUS|IDS      ".*" idd.unidata.ucar.edu PRIMARY
> > request DDPLUS|IDS      ".*" idd.cise-nsf.gov ALTERNATE
> >
> > And then restart the LDM, it still has the similar errors. I have also
> > reboot
> > my machine but it does not seem to help. Here are the log messages:
> >
> > Feb 02 08:07:22 rcz006 idd[3052] NOTE: LDM-6 desired product-class:
> > 20070202070722.406 TS_ENDT {{IDS|DDPLUS,  ".*"}}
> > Feb 02 08:07:23 rcz006 idd[3052] NOTE: Upstream LDM-6 on
> > idd.cise-nsf.gov is willing to be an alternate feeder
> > Feb 02 08:07:23 rcz006 idd[3051] NOTE: Upstream LDM-6 on
> > idd.unidata.ucar.edu is willing to be a primary feeder
> > Feb 02 08:08:34 rcz006 idd[3051] ERROR: Terminating due to LDM failure;
> > Connection to upstream LDM closed
> > Feb 02 08:08:34 rcz006 idd[3051] NOTE: LDM-6 desired product-class:
> > 20070202070834.301 TS_ENDT {{IDS|DDPLUS,  ".*"}}
> > Feb 02 08:08:35 rcz006 idd[3051] NOTE: Upstream LDM-6 on
> > idd.unidata.ucar.edu is willing to be a primary feeder
> > Feb 02 08:09:25 rcz006 idd[3051] ERROR: Terminating due to LDM failure;
> > Connection to upstream LDM closed
> > Feb 02 08:09:26 rcz006 idd[3051] NOTE: LDM-6 desired product-class:
> > 20070202070926.720 TS_ENDT {{IDS|DDPLUS,  ".*"}}
> > Feb 02 08:09:27 rcz006 idd[3051] NOTE: Upstream LDM-6 on
> > idd.unidata.ucar.edu is willing to be a primary feeder
> > Feb 02 08:10:59 rcz006 idd[3051] ERROR: Terminating due to LDM failure;
> > Connection to upstream LDM closed
> > Feb 02 08:10:59 rcz006 idd[3051] NOTE: LDM-6 desired product-class:
> > 20070202071059.258 TS_ENDT {{IDS|DDPLUS,  ".*"},{NONE,
> > "SIG=10d752505373c8748063f96ed05460e2"}}
> > Feb 02 08:11:00 rcz006 idd[3051] NOTE: Upstream LDM-6 on
> > idd.unidata.ucar.edu is willing to be a primary feeder
> >
> > My LDM version is 6.0.14 and runs on Redhat9.
> >
> > Regards
> > David Yeung

Unidata User Support                                    UCAR Unidata Program
(303) 497-8642                                                 P.O. Box 3000
address@hidden                                   Boulder, CO 80307
Unidata HomePage                       http://www.unidata.ucar.edu

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: OGC-117993
Department: Support IDD
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed