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20040830: GOES-10 floaters


There are 2 floater sectors in the UNIWISC feed. There is no
guarantee as to which platform they will be from.

Currently, one is GOES12 over western PA, the other is GOES12
over Nebraska.

In the GEMPAK $NAWIPS/ldm/etc/templates/pqact.gempak_images,
I show these examples:

# Floater product actions
# floater1
MCIDAS  ^pnga2area Q. (UA) (.*) (.*)_IMG (.*)um (.*) (........) (....)
        PIPE    -close
        pnga2area -vl /usr/local/ldm/logs/ldm-mcidas.log

# floater2
MCIDAS  ^pnga2area Q. (UC) (.*) (.*)_IMG (.*)um (.*) (........) (....)
        PIPE    -close
        pnga2area -vl /usr/local/ldm/logs/ldm-mcidas.log

This demonstrates:
   1) The fl1 is always "UA", the fl2 is always "UC" (regardless of what 
   2) The \3_fl1 and \3_fl2 will create the directory name
      based on the platform in the LDM product identifier. Note that these
      could be meteosat, gms or something other than GOES!

Also, to receive all time periods, use "Q.".

Steve CHiswell
Unidata User Support

>From: Clint Rowe <address@hidden>
>Organization: University of Nebraska Geosciences
>Keywords: 200408302044.i7UKiZ8E007364

>I just had one of my downstream sites call about the GOES-10 floaters. 
>I don't seem to be receiving any of them from UW, 
>but I'm getting everything else I'm asking for, including the
>GOES-12 floaters.  I seem to remember that there was talk of 
>getting rid of the floaters some time ago -- did that finally 
>happen for GOES-10?
>Also, while I'm typing -- how do I get the half-hourly images?
>Do I just change "Q1" to "Q." in pqact.conf?
>Clinton M. Rowe
>Associate Professor
>Meteorology/Climatology Program                  phone:(402)472-1946
>Department of Geosciences                          fax:(402)472-4917
>University of Nebraska-Lincoln                        address@hidden
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