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20040611: UFRJ Unidata IDD request (cont.)

>From: David Garrana Coelho <address@hidden>
>Organization: UFRJ
>Keywords: 200406101852.i5AIqUfU050104 IDD IDD-Brazil

Hi David,

>       Sorry for the confusion Tom, just asked Guilherme to follow the
>due process, so he can become aware of the procedures when teaching or
>trying to reproduce ldm installations (Unidata-wise) somewhere else. Im
>glad he took the initiative and contacted you asap.

No worries.  I was uncertain if Guilherme knew about IDD-Brazil.  I am
delighted to hear that he did, and his getting CEFET up and running is
part of the expansion of the Brazilian data distribution effort.  We
are off and running :-)

>       The host mentioned in the message is allowed to access solon from
>now on. Guilherme, set your feeding host as solon.meteoro.ufrj.br. I can
>send you a pqact.conf from brisa so you can have an example to follow and
>adapt to CEFET needs.

One thing that I will ask from both you, David, and Guilherme is to CC
Unidata User Support <address@hidden> with any exchanges that
relate to setting up the data feeds and use of LDM, GEMPAK, etc.
Please do _not_ let your exchanges being in Portugese stop you from
CCing support!

Another thing that I will ask for is for all sites connecting to
IDD-Brazil to report realtime statistics back to Unidata.  This is done
by leaving in the 'exec' line for 'rtstats' in the LDM configuration
file ~ldm/etc/ldmd.conf.

The last request I have, and this is very important, is to stress how
important it is to have an accurate clock on the machine running the
LDM.  Sites _must_ run either 'ntpd' (on boot-up) or 'ntpdate' (out of
'root's crontab) to set their clocks either continuously (ntpd) or 4
times per hour (ntpdate).  Brazil's RNP has at least one time server
accessible in each state, so it should not be hard to get the clocks

>       I have started a contact with ppl in UFAL (Universidade Federal de
>Alagoas) which is one of the institutions with a graduate meteorology
>course here in Brazil. I expect they will be interested in IDD-Brazil as
>well, but so far they only interested in making MM5 mesoscale runs for
>that state. Will keep you updated.

This is wonderful news!  At some point in the future, we should work
with the various groups to redistribute their MM5 output to others IDD
participants.  That is, of course, if they are willing to share their
modeling efforts.

>       As a side note, the space we were given to speak about IDD-BRAZIL
>in CBMET was re-allocated inside a bigger discussion forum (also inside
>CBMET) named "Meteorology Data for Research and Education" which will be
>lead by main "data generators" (so to speak) in Brazil, and you, Tom.
>Don't worry about language barrier, simultaneous translation will be

I still have not heard if my paper will be accepted.  Since the
deadline for paying for CBMET registration is next Tuesday, I have to
make a decision about registering without first having heard about
paper acceptance.  In order to do this, I will have to work with Dr.
Elen Cutrim of Western Michigan University since she has a bank account
in Brazil from which she can transfer money to pay for registration.

>       Best regards,

Thank you for the quick reply!

># David Garrana Coelho - address@hidden              #
># Pesquisador Associado ao                                #
># Laboratorio de Prognosticos em Mesoescala - UFRJ        #
># http://www.lpm.meteoro.ufrj.br                          #
># Meteorologista da Equipe do Alerta-Rio/GEORIO           #
># http://www2.rio.rj.gov.br/georio/site/alerta/alerta.htm #


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