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GEMPAK 5.11.1 available

GEMPAK users,

I have posted the release of GEMPAK 5.11.1 on the Unidata web site.

Note that the pqact.gempak_craft pattern action file has been updated to
work with both the old and new level II file name conventions in the
IDD/NEXRAD2 data feed. The data from NOP3 on that feed is using the new
naming conventions. You will be able to verify receipt and display of
the build 10.0 data as NOP3 data is already available (at present NOP3
data is available alternating between canned and real-time data as
determined by the ROC schedule). The
$NAWIPS/bin/dccraft_move script which you will copy to the ~ldm/util
directory has been updated to handle occasions when a new scan volume
occurs in the same minute as the previous scan.

Steve Chiswell <address@hidden>