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20010709: gdthgt_gf does not produce output file

It appears that the problem with gdthgt is that it does not call GSTANM
(which the other programs do (for looping when gdattim is a range) ).
In this case, the time range is a single plot- so the animation control
isn't called- but apparently, the gif driver needs this to be called when
liked directly to define the start of a new plotting sequence.

I have attatched an updated version of gdthgt.f for the
$GEMPAK/source/programs/gd/gdthgt directory.

You can build the _gf version of the program with:
cd $GEMPAK/source/programs/gd/gdthgt
make clean
make programs_gf
make clean

Steve Chiswell

>From address@hidden Sat Jul  7 15:01:32 2001
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>Date: Sat, 7 Jul 2001 16:10:37 -0500 (CDT)
>From: Robert Mullenax <address@hidden>
>To: address@hidden
>Subject: gdthgt_gf does not produce output file
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>MIME-Version: 1.0
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I have been trying to speed up our CGI scripts by using the XXXXX_gf
programs, which I recently realized were available.  I found a problem
with gdthgt_gf as it produces no output file.  It looks like it
runs okay and issues no errors, but it does not produce a .gif file.
This is 5.6.c on our Solaris SPARC 8 boxes.  The standard gdthgt
works fine running gpend..etc.

Robert Mullenax


I also tried using the Unidata 5.6.c SPARC binary.  It did not
work with that either.

Robert Mullenax

Unidata User Support                                    UCAR Unidata Program
(303)497-8644                                                  P.O. Box 3000
address@hidden                                   Boulder, CO 80307
Unidata WWW Service                        http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/     
C* PROGRAM GDTGHT                                                       *
C*                                                                      *
C* This program creates time height sections through scalar grids       *
C*                                                                      *
C**                                                                     *
C* Log:                                                                 *
C* T.W. Barker/WR/SSD    8/91   Created from GDCROSS                    *
C* S. Jacobs/EAI        11/92   Added call to GMESG and 'shrttl'        *
C* M. desJardins/NMC    11/92   Eliminate unused variables              *
C* S. Jacobs/EAI         2/94   Added COLADD flag to DG_OFIL            *
C* L. Williams/EAI       3/94   Clean up declarations of user input     *
C*                              variables                               *
C* S. Jacobs/NMC         6/94   Fixed typo in declarations              *
C* L. Williams/EAI       7/94   Added shrttl to the user input variables*
C* S. Jacobs/NMC         9/94   Added GR_TITL                           *
C* K. Tyle/GSC           7/96   Eliminated call to GDTXUP               *
C* D. Keiser/GSC         8/96   Added FL_MFIL to search for file type   *
C* K. Tyle/GSC           8/96   Added ER_WMSG call after FL_MFIL call,  *
C*                              use filnam in call to GDTXSP            *
C* S. Maxwell/GSC        7/97   Increased input character length        *
C* T. Lee/GSC            1/99   Increased LLMXTM to LLMXGT              *
C* S. Jacobs/NCEP        3/01   Replaced DG_OFIL with DG_MFIL           *
C* S. Chiswell/Unidata   7/01   Added GSTANM/GENANM calls for _gf       *
        INCLUDE         'GEMPRM.PRM'
        LOGICAL         clear
        CHARACTER       gdfile*(LLMXLN), border*(LLMXLN),
     +                  ptype*(LLMXLN), gpoint*(LLMXLN),
     +                  taxis*(LLMXLN), gdatim*(LLMXLN),
     +                  gfunc*(LLMXLN), gvcord*(LLMXLN),
     +                  title*(LLMXLN), yaxis*(LLMXLN),
     +                  device*(LLMXLN), scale*(LLMXLN),
     +                  panel*(LLMXLN), wind*(LLMXLN),
     +                  cint*(LLMXLN), line*(LLMXLN),
     +                  text*(LLMXLN), gvect*(LLMXLN), shrttl*(LLMXLN)
        REAL            grdout (LLMXGD), grdoutu (LLMXGD),
     +                  grdoutv (LLMXGD)
        REAL            rlvld (LLMXLV), rlvlc (LLMXLV), rlvlv (LLMXLV)
        REAL            xgrd (LLMXGD), x (LLMXGT), xptsc (LLMXGD),
     +                  ylbl (LLAXIS),
     +                  rgx(1), rgy(1), rlat(1), rlon(1),
     +                  vclsfc, ggrd (LLMXGD), xtlbl (LLAXIS),
     +                  grdt1 (LLMXGD)
        CHARACTER       ttlstr*72, ctlbl (LLAXIS)*40, 
     +                  trange (2)*40, timfnd (LLMXGT)*80,
     +                  timval (LLMXGT)*80, time (2)*40, fname*128
        LOGICAL         respnd, done, proces, havsfc, havvec, havcon
        REAL            clvl (LLCLEV), rmargn (4)
        INTEGER         icolor (LLCLEV), iline (LLCLEV),
     +                  ilwid  (LLCLEV), labflg (LLCLEV),
     +                  levels (LLMXLV), levl (2)
C*      Initialize TAE and GEMPLT.
        CALL IP_INIT  ( respnd, iperr )
        CALL IP_IDNT  ( 'GDTHGT', ier )
        IF ( iperr .eq. 0 )  THEN
           CALL GG_INIT  ( 0, iperr )
        END IF
        IF ( iperr .eq. 0 )  THEN
           done = .false.
           done = .true.
        END IF
C*      Main loop to read in TAE parameters and draw time section.
        DO WHILE  ( .not. done )
C*          Set flag to indicate processing will be done.
            proces = .true.
C*          Read in the variables from the TAE.
            CALL GDTXIN  ( gdatim, gvcord, gfunc, gvect, gpoint,
     +                     gdfile, ptype, taxis, yaxis, border,
     +                     line, cint, wind, title, clear, scale,
     +                     panel, device, text, iperr )
C*          Exit if there is an error.
            IF ( iperr .ne. 0 )  THEN
                done = .true.
                IF ( proces ) THEN
                    CALL ST_LCUC ( gvcord, gvcord, iret )
                    CALL LV_CORD ( gvcord, gvcord, ivcord, iret )
                    IF ( ( iret .ne. 0 ) .or. ( ivcord .eq. 0 ) )
     +                  proces = .false.
                END IF
C*              Set up the graphics device.
                IF ( proces ) THEN
                    CALL GG_SDEV  ( device, iret )
                    IF  ( iret .ne. 0 )  proces = .false.
                END IF
C*              Set text attributes.
                IF ( proces ) THEN
                    CALL IN_TEXT ( text, iret )
                    IF ( iret .ne. 0 ) proces = .false.
                END IF
C*              Open the grid file and set the grid navigation.  This
C*              will set the proper mode for the grid file.  The mode
C*              must be set to graph mode later.
                IF ( proces ) THEN
                    CALL DG_MFIL  ( gdfile, ' ', .true., gdatim,
     +                              igdfln, idum, fname, maxg, iret )
                    IF ( iret .ne. 0 )  proces = .false.
                END IF
C*              Get time information 
                IF ( proces ) THEN
                    CALL GDTXTM ( igdfln, gdatim, ntdata, timfnd,
     +                            trange, iret )
                    IF ( iret .ne. 0 ) proces = .false.
                END IF
                IF ( ntdata .gt. 0 ) THEN
                    DO i = 1, ntdata
                        CALL TG_VALD ( timfnd(i), timval(i), iret )
                        IF ( iret .ne. 0 ) proces = .false.
                    END DO
                END IF
C*              Get y-axis parameters
                IF ( proces ) THEN
                    CALL GDTXYY( ptype, yaxis, ivcord, iyaxis, ratio,
     +                           ystrt, ystop, ylbl, nylbl, rmargn,
     +                           ilbfrq, iglfrq, itmfrq, iret )
                    IF ( iret .ne. 0 ) THEN
                        CALL ER_WMSG( 'GDTHGT', iret, ' ', ier )
                        proces = .false.
                    END IF
                END IF
C*              Get x-axis parameters
                IF ( proces ) THEN
                    CALL GDTXTA ( taxis, LLAXIS, ntdata, timval, x,
     +                            xstrt, xstop, xtlbl, ctlbl, nxlbl,
     +                            xmndst, itlbfr, itglfr, ittmfr,
     +                            iret )
                    IF ( iret .ne. 0 ) proces = .false.
                END IF
C*              Get levels for all times
                IF ( proces ) THEN
                    CALL GDTXGL ( igdfln, timfnd, ntdata, ystrt, ystop,
     +                            ivcord, levels, nlev, iret )
                    IF ( iret .ne. 0 ) proces = .false.
                END IF
C*              Get even levels
                IF ( proces ) THEN
                    DO i = 1, nlev
                        rlvld (i) = float (levels (i))
                    END DO
                    CALL GDTXEV ( rlvld, nlev, iyaxis, rlvlc, nlvlc,
     +                            iret )
                    CALL GDTXEV ( rlvld, nlev, 1, rlvlv, nlvlv, iret )
                    IF ( iret .ne. 0 ) proces = .false.
                END IF
                IF ( proces ) THEN
                    CALL GDTXEV ( x, ntdata, 1, xptsc, nptsc, iret)
                    IF ( iret .ne. 0 ) proces = .false.
                END IF
C*              Find plotting location
                IF ( proces ) THEN
                    CALL GR_PLOC ( gpoint, rgx (1), rgy (1), rlat (1),
     +                             rlon (1), iret )
                    IF ( iret .ne. 0) THEN
                        CALL ER_WMSG ( 'GR', iret, ' ', ier )
                        proces = .false.
                    END IF
                END IF
C*              Set subset region to speed calculations
                IF ( proces ) THEN
                    imin = int ( rgx (1) ) - 2
                    imax = imin + 5
                    jmin = int (rgy (1) ) - 2
                    jmax = jmin + 5
                    CALL DG_AREA ( imin, imax, jmin, jmax, iret )
                    IF ( iret .ne. 0) THEN
                        CALL ER_WMSG( 'DG', iret, ' ', ier )
                        proces = .false.
                    END IF
                END IF
C*              Get data for this list of times and levels
                havcon = .false.
                IF ( proces ) THEN
                    havcon = .true.
                    CALL GDTXDA ( igdfln, timfnd, ntdata, gvcord,
     +                            ystrt, ystop, iyaxis, gfunc, ivcord,
     +                            rgx, rgy, levels, nlev, grdt1, rlvlc,
     +                            nlvlc, iret )
                    IF ( iret .eq. 7 ) havcon = .false.
                    IF ( iret .lt. 0 ) proces = .false.
                END IF
C*              Put contour data in evenly spaced grid
                IF ( proces .and. havcon ) THEN
                    CALL GDTXTI( grdt1, ntdata, nlvlc, x, xptsc, nptsc,
     +                           grdout, iret)
                    IF ( iret .ne. 0) proces = .false.
                END IF
C*              Get Vector data for this list of times and levels
                havvec = .false.
                IF ( proces ) THEN
                    havvec = .true.
                    CALL GDTXVV ( igdfln, timfnd, ntdata, gvcord,
     +                            ystrt, ystop, iyaxis, gvect, ivcord,
     +                            rgx, rgy, levels, nlev, grdoutu,
     +                            grdoutv, rlvlv, nlvlv ,iret )
                    IF ( iret .eq. 7 ) havvec = .false.
                    IF ( iret .lt. 0 ) proces = .false.
                END IF
                IF ( proces .and. havcon ) THEN
                    CALL GDTXLV( line, cint, scale, nptsc, nlvlc, 1, 1,
     +                           nptsc, nlvlc, grdout, icolor, iline,
     +                           ilwid, labflg, iscale, dmin, dmax,
     +                           clvl, nlvl, iret )
                    IF ( iret .ne. 0 ) proces = .false.
                    dmin = 0.0
                    dmax = 0.0
                    nlvl = 0
                END IF
                IF ( proces ) THEN
                    CALL GDTXSP ( gdfile, gfunc, ntdata, iscale,
     +                            gdatim, gvcord, nlvl, clvl, dmin,
     +                            dmax, icolor, iline, ilwid, labflg,
     +                            device, panel, gvect, wind, havcon,
     +                            havvec, iret )
                    IF ( iret .ne. 0 ) proces = .false.
                END IF

                IF ( proces ) THEN
                    CALL GSTANM ( ier )
                    CALL GQMODE ( mode, ier )
                    CALL GSMODE ( 2, ier )
                    IF ( clear ) CALL GCLEAR ( ier )
                    CALL GG_PANL ( panel, ier )
                    havsfc = .false.
                    CALL GDTXPL( border, iyaxis, ystrt, ystop, vclsfc,
     +                           havsfc, ylbl, nylbl, xstrt, xstop,
     +                           xtlbl, ctlbl, nxlbl, ntdata, itlbfr,
     +                           itglfr, ittmfr, ratio, rmargn, ilbfrq,
     +                           iglfrq, itmfrq, iret )
                    CALL GSGGRF ( 1, iyaxis, nptsc, nlvlc, xptsc (1),
     +                            ystrt, xptsc (nptsc), ystop, iret )
                    IF ( havcon ) THEN
                        CALL GCLGRN ( nptsc, nlvlc, grdout, 0, 0, 0,
     +                                nlvl, clvl, icolor, iline, ilwid,
     +                                labflg, iret )
                    END IF
                    IF ( havvec ) THEN
                        indx = 1
                        DO k = 1, nlvlv
                            DO i = 1, ntdata
                                xgrd (indx) = x (i)
                                ggrd (indx) = rlvlv (k)
                                indx = indx + 1
                            END DO
                        END DO
                        CALL GDTXPV ( gvect, grdoutu, grdoutv, xgrd,
     +                                ggrd, ntdata, nlvlv, wind,
     +                                points, ier )
                    END IF
C*                  Write the title.
                    CALL IN_TITL ( title, 0, ititl, linttl, ttlstr,
     +                             ier )
                    levl (1) = -1
                    levl (2) = -1
                    time (1) = trange (1)
                    time (2) = ' '
                    CALL GR_TITL  ( ttlstr, time, .false.,
     +                              levl, ivcord, gfunc, iscale,
     +                              gpoint, ttlstr, shrttl, iret )
                    IF ( clear ) CALL GMESG ( shrttl, ier )
                    IF ( ititl .ne. 0 ) THEN
                        CALL GSCOLR ( ititl, ier )
                        CALL GG_WSTR ( ttlstr, linttl, ier )
                    END IF
                    CALL GSMODE ( mode, ier )
                END IF
                CALL GEPLOT ( ier )
                CALL GENANM ( ier )
                CALL IP_DYNM ( done, ier )
            END IF
        END DO
        CALL GENDP ( 0, iret )
        CALL IP_EXIT ( iret )
