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20010425: dcuair/ru library updates for SHIP soundings

Scott and Steve,

I have uploaded 2 files to hp1, dcuair_rulib.tar.Z and wtec.dat.
The tarfile contains the routines modified to decode and store
ship based soundings. The wtec.dat file contains the 4 parts of an
April 18 11Z ship (WTEC) sounding used in testing.

The primary change in addition to the dropsonde changes that
were just made available in 5.6.c.1 are the decoding and storage of
the ship STID rather than a station number. As a result,
I have added the passing of STID to the RU library routines
in addition to station number where necessary. The dcudcd.f
calls to RU_SHDR and RU_DUPE reflect the changes in the RU library.

I have modified the routines that set the station location
(calls to SN_FSTN) to use the STID rather than ISTNM if
ISTNM = IMISSD. The station ID will be set in RU_SHDR
for a ship and the station number set to IMISSD.
If the SHIP call sign is "SHIP", RU_SHDR attempts to create a 
semi-unique ID from the lat and lon as S####### (up to 8 characters
long depending on ABS(lat*10) * 10000 + ABS(lon*10).

I modified the Logical parameter name "drop" in RU_SHDR to be "mobile"
since both the ship and dropsonde reports have the lat/lons in them. 

The modified RU routines are:


The top 4 routines are called through dcuair. I updated the last 2 in the list
to follow the updates for the dropsonde xlat/xlon changes so that the 
calling sequences are kept in step with the analogous routines used by dcuair.
I don't see any current dc or bridge routines that call the latter "real-time"
versions of the decode and station setting (my dcprof BUFR profiler routine
uses RU_STMS).

Let me know if you have any question/comments.



Steve Chiswell
Unidata User Support