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Re: Still struggling; MPE - GRIB2 decoders


attached is some code to print out the GDS and then the data. I think this was what you wanted.

java -Xmx256m ucar/grib/grib2/Grib2MPE <MPE data file> <output>

if you want you can add another parameter for an output file


On Mon, 10 Mar 2008, Jelle Ferwerda wrote:

Dear Rob,

Sorry to bug you once more.. I have now received the data and am trying to automate extraction of my data, for which I need to set up projections in IDL. Not a problem. however, I need to programmatically extract the projection parameters from the GRIB2 (MPE) files. And somehow I am doing something wrong, I think. I get almost only 0's as output, and an unknown earth shape. Even though the NETcdftoosl 2.2 can show me the information just fine. I think it might have to do with not selecting a product, but I cannot find out how to do this.

I hope you have time to pop me a line and explain where I am going wrong?

This is how I have been trying:

// Create a unidata specified RandomAccesFile for reading
ucar.unidata.io.RandomAccessFile InRA = new ucar.unidata.io.RandomAccessFile(InFile, "r"); // get the grid definitions Grib2GridDefinitionSection gds = new Grib2GridDefinitionSection(InRA, false);

which returns:
Unknown Earth Shape


Jelle. -----------------------------------------------
Jelle Ferwerda
Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Animal Behavior Research Group
Department of Zoology / University of Oxford
South Parks Road / Oxford / OX13PS
United Kingdom

email:          address@hidden
Office Phone:   +44 18652 71214
WWW:            http://www.bio-vision.nl

Robb Kambic                                Unidata Program Center
Software Engineer III                      Univ. Corp for Atmospheric Research
address@hidden             WWW: http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/
 * Copyright 1997-2004 Unidata Program Center/University Corporation for
 * Atmospheric Research, P.O. Box 3000, Boulder, CO 80307,
 * address@hidden.
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at
 * your option) any later version.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
 * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
 * along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
 * Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA

// $Id: Grib2MPE.java,v 1.36 2006/08/18 20:22:10 rkambic Exp $

package ucar.grib.grib2;

import ucar.grib.Index;
import ucar.grib.NoValidGribException;
import ucar.grib.NotSupportedException;

 * Grib2MPE.java
 * @author Robb Kambic  10/20/03

// import statements
import ucar.unidata.io.RandomAccessFile;

import ucar.unidata.io.RandomAccessFile;

import java.io.BufferedOutputStream;  // Input/Output functions
import java.io.FileOutputStream;      // Input/Output functions
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.PrintStream;           // Input/Output functions
import java.io.File;

import java.lang.*;                   // Standard java functions

import java.util.*;                   // Extra utilities from sun

 * Prints GDS and the data for a MPE grib.
 * see <a href="../../../IndexFormat.txt"> IndexFormat.txt</a>
public class Grib2MPE {

     * Write a Grib file index; optionally create an in-memory index.
     * @param inputRaf GRIB file raf
     * @param ps write output to here
     * @param makeIndex  make an in-memory index if true
     * @throws IOException
     * @return Index if makeIndex is true, else null
    public final Index writeFileIndex(RandomAccessFile inputRaf,
                                             PrintStream ps,
                                             boolean makeIndex)
            throws IOException {

        * date format "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'".
        final java.text.SimpleDateFormat dateFormat;
        dateFormat =
            new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'");
        dateFormat.setTimeZone(java.util.TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT"));  //same 
as UTC

        Date now = Calendar.getInstance().getTime();
        //System.out.println(now.toString() + " ... Start of GribMPE");
        long  start = System.currentTimeMillis();
        int   count = 0;

        Index index = makeIndex
                      ? new Index()
                      : null;

        // Opening of grib data must be inside a try-catch block
        try {
            // Create Grib2Input instance
            Grib2Input g2i = new Grib2Input(inputRaf);
            // params getProducts (implies  unique GDSs too), oneRecord
            g2i.scan(true, false);
            // Section 1 Global attributes
            // while needed here to process complete stream
            ps.println("index_version = " + Index.current_index_version);
            ps.println("grid_edition = " + 2);
            ps.println("location = " + inputRaf.getLocation());
            ps.println("length = " + inputRaf.length());
            ps.println("created = " + dateFormat.format(now));
            //ps.println("version = 1.0");
            if (makeIndex) {
                index.addGlobalAttribute("location", inputRaf.getLocation());
                index.addGlobalAttribute("created", dateFormat.format(now));
                //index.addGlobalAttribute( "version", "1.0");
            // section 3: GDSs in this File
            HashMap gdsHM = g2i.getGDSs();
            for (Iterator it = gdsHM.keySet().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
                String key = (String) it.next();
                //ps.println("GDSkey = " + key);
                Grib2GridDefinitionSection gds =
                    (Grib2GridDefinitionSection) gdsHM.get(key);
                printGDS(gds, ps);
                if (makeIndex) {

            Grib2Data g2d    = new Grib2Data(inputRaf);
            // section 2 grib records
            ArrayList products = g2i.getProducts();
            for (int i = 0; i < products.size(); i++) {
                Grib2Product product = (Grib2Product) products.get(i);
                Grib2ProductDefinitionSection pds = product.getPDS();
                Grib2IdentificationSection    id  = product.getID();
                if (i == 0) {
                    ps.println("center = " + id.getCenter_id());
                    ps.println("sub_center = " + id.getSubcenter_id());
                    ps.println("table_version = "
                               + id.getLocal_table_version());
                ps.println(pds.getProductDefinition() + " "
                           + product.getDiscipline() + " "
                           + pds.getParameterCategory() + " "
                           + pds.getParameterNumber() + " "
                           + pds.getTypeGenProcess() + " "
                           + pds.getTypeFirstFixedSurface() + " "
                           + pds.getValueFirstFixedSurface() + " "
                           + pds.getTypeSecondFixedSurface() + " "
                           + pds.getValueSecondFixedSurface() + " "
                           + product.getReferenceTime() + " "
                           + pds.getForecastTime() + " "
                           + product.getGDSkey() + " "
                           + product.getGdsOffset() + " "
                           + product.getPdsOffset());
                float     data[] = g2d.getData(product.getGdsOffset(), 

                if (data != null) {
                    for (int j = 0; j < data.length; j++) {
                         ps.println("data[ " + j + " ]=" + data[j]);

            // Catch thrown errors from GribFile
        } catch (NotSupportedException noSupport) {
            System.err.println("NotSupportedException : " + noSupport);

        //System.out.println(" "+count+" products took 
"+(System.currentTimeMillis() - start) + " msec");

        return index;
    }  // end writeFileIndex

     * creates a GribRecord from a Grib2Product.
     * @param index _more_
     * @param product
     * @return Index.GribRecord

    protected static final Index.GribRecord makeGribRecord(Index index,
            Grib2Product product) {
        Index.GribRecord              gr  = index.getGribRecord();

        Grib2ProductDefinitionSection pds = product.getPDS();

        gr.productType    = pds.getProductDefinition();
        gr.discipline     = product.getDiscipline();
        gr.category       = pds.getParameterCategory();
        gr.paramNumber    = pds.getParameterNumber();
        gr.typeGenProcess = pds.getTypeGenProcess();
        gr.levelType1     = pds.getTypeFirstFixedSurface();
        gr.levelValue1    = pds.getValueFirstFixedSurface();
        gr.levelType2     = pds.getTypeSecondFixedSurface();
        gr.levelValue2    = pds.getValueSecondFixedSurface();
        gr.refTime        = product.getReferenceTime().toString();
        gr.forecastTime   = pds.getForecastTime();
        gr.gdsKey         = product.getGDSkey().trim();
        gr.offset1        = product.getGdsOffset();
        gr.offset2        = product.getPdsOffset();

        return gr;

     * Creates a Index.GdsRecord from a GDS
     * @param gds
     * @return Index.GdsRecord
    protected static final Index.GdsRecord makeGdsRecord(
            Grib2GridDefinitionSection gds) {

        Index.GdsRecord igds = new Index.GdsRecord();

        igds.gdsKey = gds.getCheckSum();
        igds.addParam("GDSkey", gds.getCheckSum());
        //System.out.println( "igds.gdsKey ="+ igds.gdsKey );

        String winds = ((gds.getResolution() & 8) == 0)
                       ? "Relative"
                       : "True";

        if (((gds.getGdtn() < 50) || (gds.getGdtn() > 53))
                && (gds.getGdtn() != 100) && (gds.getGdtn() != 120)
                && (gds.getGdtn() != 1200)) {
            igds.grid_shape_code = gds.getShape();
            igds.grid_type = gds.getGdtn();
            igds.addParam("grid_type", Integer.toString(gds.getGdtn()));
            igds.addParam("grid_shape", gds.getShapeName());

            if ((gds.getShape() < 2) || (gds.getShape() == 6)) {
                igds.radius_spherical_earth = gds.getEarthRadius();

            } else if ((gds.getShape() > 1) && (gds.getShape() < 5)) {
                igds.major_axis_earth = gds.getMajorAxis();
                igds.minor_axis_earth = gds.getMinorAxis();
        switch (gds.getGdtn()) {                // Grid Definition Template 

          case 0 :
          case 1 :
          case 2 :
          case 3 :                              // Latitude/Longitude Grid

              igds.nx = gds.getNx();
              igds.addParam("Nx", Integer.toString(gds.getNx()));
              igds.ny = gds.getNy();
              igds.addParam("Ny", Integer.toString(gds.getNy()));
              igds.La1 = gds.getLa1();
              igds.addParam("La1", Double.toString(gds.getLa1()));
              igds.Lo1 = gds.getLo1();
              igds.addParam("Lo1", Double.toString(gds.getLo1()));
              igds.resolution = gds.getResolution();
              igds.addParam("ResCompFlag", Integer.toString(gds.getResolution() 
              igds.winds      = winds;
              igds.addParam("La2", Double.toString(gds.getLa2()));
              igds.addParam("Lo2", Double.toString(gds.getLo2()));
              igds.dx = gds.getDx();
              igds.addParam("Dx", Double.toString(gds.getDx()));
              igds.dy = gds.getDy();
              igds.addParam("Dy", Double.toString(gds.getDy()));

              if (gds.getGdtn() == 1) {         //Rotated Latitude/longitude
                  igds.addParam("SpLat", Double.toString(gds.getSpLat()));
                  igds.addParam("SpLon", Double.toString(gds.getSpLon()));

              } else if (gds.getGdtn() == 2) {  //Stretched Latitude/longitude
                  igds.addParam("pLat", Double.toString(gds.getPoleLat()));
                  igds.addParam("pLon", Double.toString(gds.getPoleLon()));

              } else if (gds.getGdtn() == 3) {  //Stretched and Rotated
                  // Latitude/longitude
                  igds.addParam("SpLat", Double.toString(gds.getSpLat()));
                  igds.addParam("SpLon", Double.toString(gds.getSpLon()));


          case 10 :                              // Mercator

              igds.nx = gds.getNx();
              igds.addParam("Nx", Integer.toString(gds.getNx()));
              igds.ny = gds.getNy();
              igds.addParam("Ny", Integer.toString(gds.getNy()));
              igds.La1 = gds.getLa1();
              igds.addParam("La1", Double.toString(gds.getLa1()));
              igds.Lo1 = gds.getLo1();
              igds.addParam("Lo1", Double.toString(gds.getLo1()));
              igds.resolution = gds.getResolution();
              igds.addParam("ResCompFlag", Integer.toString(gds.getResolution() 
              igds.winds      = winds;
              igds.addParam("La2", Double.toString(gds.getLa2()));
              igds.addParam("Lo2", Double.toString(gds.getLo2()));
              igds.addParam("Angle", Double.toString(gds.getAngle()));
              igds.dx = gds.getDx();
              igds.addParam("Dx", Double.toString(gds.getDx()));
              igds.dy = gds.getDy();
              igds.addParam("Dy", Double.toString(gds.getDy()));


          case 20 :  // Polar stereographic projection

              igds.nx = gds.getNx();
              igds.addParam("Nx", Integer.toString(gds.getNx()));
              igds.ny = gds.getNy();
              igds.addParam("Ny", Integer.toString(gds.getNy()));
              igds.La1 = gds.getLa1();
              igds.addParam("La1", Double.toString(gds.getLa1()));
              igds.Lo1 = gds.getLo1();
              igds.addParam("Lo1", Double.toString(gds.getLo1()));
              igds.resolution = gds.getResolution();
              igds.addParam("ResCompFlag", Integer.toString(gds.getResolution() 
              String NpProj = ((gds.getProjectionCenter() & 128) == 0)
                       ? "true"
                       : "false";
              igds.addParam("NpProj", NpProj);
              //System.out.println( "makeGdsRec NpProj ="+ NpProj );
              igds.winds      = winds;
              igds.LaD        = gds.getLad();
              igds.addParam("Lad", Double.toString(gds.getLad()));
              igds.LoV = gds.getLov();
              igds.addParam("Lov", Double.toString(gds.getLov()));
              igds.dx = gds.getDx();
              igds.addParam("Dx", Double.toString(gds.getDx()));
              igds.dy = gds.getDy();
              igds.addParam("Dy", Double.toString(gds.getDy()));


          case 30 :                              // Lambert Conformal

              igds.nx = gds.getNx();
              igds.addParam("Nx", Integer.toString(gds.getNx()));
              igds.ny = gds.getNy();
              igds.addParam("Ny", Integer.toString(gds.getNy()));
              igds.La1 = gds.getLa1();
              igds.addParam("La1", Double.toString(gds.getLa1()));
              igds.Lo1 = gds.getLo1();
              igds.addParam("Lo1", Double.toString(gds.getLo1()));
              igds.resolution = gds.getResolution();
              igds.addParam("ResCompFlag", Integer.toString(gds.getResolution() 
              NpProj = ((gds.getProjectionCenter() & 128) == 0)
                       ? "true"
                       : "false";
              igds.addParam("NpProj", NpProj);
              //System.out.println( "makeGdsRec NpProj ="+ NpProj );
              igds.winds      = winds;
              igds.LaD        = gds.getLad();
              igds.addParam("Lad", Double.toString(gds.getLad()));
              igds.LoV = gds.getLov();
              igds.addParam("Lov", Double.toString(gds.getLov()));
              igds.dx = gds.getDx();
              igds.addParam("Dx", Double.toString(gds.getDx()));
              igds.dy = gds.getDy();
              igds.addParam("Dy", Double.toString(gds.getDy()));
              igds.latin1 = gds.getLatin1();
              igds.addParam("Latin1", Double.toString(gds.getLatin1()));
              igds.latin2 = gds.getLatin2();
              igds.addParam("Latin2", Double.toString(gds.getLatin2()));
              igds.addParam("SpLat", Double.toString(gds.getSpLat()));
              igds.addParam("SpLon", Double.toString(gds.getSpLon()));


          case 31 :                              // Albers equal area

              igds.nx = gds.getNx();
              igds.addParam("Nx", Integer.toString(gds.getNx()));
              igds.ny = gds.getNy();
              igds.addParam("Ny", Integer.toString(gds.getNy()));
              igds.La1 = gds.getLa1();
              igds.addParam("La1", Double.toString(gds.getLa1()));
              igds.Lo1 = gds.getLo1();
              igds.addParam("Lo1", Double.toString(gds.getLo1()));
              igds.resolution = gds.getResolution();
              igds.addParam("ResCompFlag", Integer.toString(gds.getResolution() 
              NpProj = ((gds.getProjectionCenter() & 128) == 0)
                       ? "true"
                       : "false";
              igds.addParam("NpProj", NpProj);
              //System.out.println( "makeGdsRec NpProj ="+ NpProj );
              igds.winds      = winds;
              igds.LaD        = gds.getLad();
              igds.addParam("Lad", Double.toString(gds.getLad()));
              igds.LoV = gds.getLov();
              igds.addParam("Lov", Double.toString(gds.getLov()));
              igds.dx = gds.getDx();
              igds.addParam("Dx", Double.toString(gds.getDx()));
              igds.dy = gds.getDy();
              igds.addParam("Dy", Double.toString(gds.getDy()));
              igds.latin1 = gds.getLatin1();
              igds.addParam("Latin1", Double.toString(gds.getLatin1()));
              igds.latin2 = gds.getLatin2();
              igds.addParam("Latin2", Double.toString(gds.getLatin2()));
              igds.addParam("SpLat", Double.toString(gds.getSpLat()));
              igds.addParam("SpLon", Double.toString(gds.getSpLon()));


          case 40 :
          case 41 :
          case 42 :
          case 43 :  // Gaussian latitude/longitude

              igds.nx = gds.getNx();
              igds.addParam("Nx", Integer.toString(gds.getNx()));
              igds.ny = gds.getNy();
              igds.addParam("Ny", Integer.toString(gds.getNy()));
              igds.La1 = gds.getLa1();
              igds.addParam("La1", Double.toString(gds.getLa1()));
              igds.Lo1 = gds.getLo1();
              igds.addParam("Lo1", Double.toString(gds.getLo1()));
              igds.resolution = gds.getResolution();
              igds.addParam("ResCompFlag", Integer.toString(gds.getResolution() 
              igds.winds      = winds;
              igds.addParam("La2", Double.toString(gds.getLa2()));
              igds.addParam("Lo2", Double.toString(gds.getLo2()));
              igds.dx = gds.getDx();
              igds.addParam("Dx", Double.toString(gds.getDx()));
              igds.addParam("NumberParallels", Double.toString(gds.getN()));

              if (gds.getGdtn() == 41) {         //Rotated Gaussian 
                  igds.addParam("SpLat", Double.toString(gds.getSpLat()));
                  igds.addParam("SpLon", Double.toString(gds.getSpLon()));

              } else if (gds.getGdtn() == 42) {  //Stretched Gaussian
                  igds.addParam("pLat", Double.toString(gds.getPoleLat()));
                  igds.addParam("pLon", Double.toString(gds.getPoleLon()));
                  // Latitude/longitude
              } else if (gds.getGdtn() == 43) {  //Stretched and Rotated 
                  // Latitude/longitude
                  igds.addParam("SpLat", Double.toString(gds.getSpLat()));
                  igds.addParam("SpLon", Double.toString(gds.getSpLon()));
                  igds.addParam("Angle", Double.toString(gds.getAngle()));
                  igds.addParam("pLat", Double.toString(gds.getPoleLat()));
                  igds.addParam("pLon", Double.toString(gds.getPoleLon()));



          case 50 :
          case 51 :
          case 52 :
          case 53 :   // Spherical harmonic coefficients


          case 90 :   // Space view perspective or orthographic

              igds.nx = gds.getNx();
              igds.addParam("Nx", Integer.toString(gds.getNx()));
              igds.ny = gds.getNy();
              igds.addParam("Ny", Integer.toString(gds.getNy()));
              igds.addParam("Lap", Double.toString(gds.getLap()));
              igds.addParam("Lop", Double.toString(gds.getLop()));
              igds.resolution = gds.getResolution();
              igds.addParam("ResCompFlag", Integer.toString(gds.getResolution() 
              igds.winds      = winds;
              igds.dx         = gds.getDx();
              igds.addParam("Dx", Double.toString(gds.getDx()));
              igds.dy = gds.getDy();
              igds.addParam("Dy", Double.toString(gds.getDy()));
              igds.addParam("Xp", Double.toString(gds.getXp()));
              igds.addParam("Yp", Double.toString(gds.getYp()));
              igds.addParam("Angle", Double.toString(gds.getAngle()));
              igds.addParam("Nr", Double.toString(gds.getAltitude()));
              igds.addParam("Xo", Double.toString(gds.getXo()));
              igds.addParam("Yo", Double.toString(gds.getYo()));


          case 100 :  // Triangular grid based on an icosahedron

              igds.addParam("pLat", Double.toString(gds.getPoleLat()));
              igds.addParam("pLon", Double.toString(gds.getPoleLon()));


          case 110 :  // Equatorial azimuthal equidistant projection

              igds.nx = gds.getNx();
              igds.addParam("Nx", Integer.toString(gds.getNx()));
              igds.ny = gds.getNy();
              igds.addParam("Ny", Integer.toString(gds.getNy()));
              igds.La1 = gds.getLa1();
              igds.addParam("La1", Double.toString(gds.getLa1()));
              igds.Lo1 = gds.getLo1();
              igds.addParam("Lo1", Double.toString(gds.getLo1()));
              igds.resolution = gds.getResolution();
              igds.addParam("ResCompFlag", Integer.toString(gds.getResolution() 
              NpProj = ((gds.getProjectionCenter() & 128) == 0)
                       ? "true"
                       : "false";
              igds.addParam("NpProj", NpProj);
              //System.out.println( "makeGdsRec NpProj ="+ NpProj );
              igds.winds      = winds;
              igds.dx         = gds.getDx();
              igds.addParam("Dx", Double.toString(gds.getDx()));
              igds.dy = gds.getDy();
              igds.addParam("Dy", Double.toString(gds.getDy()));


          case 120 :  // Azimuth-range Projection

              igds.La1 = gds.getLa1();
              igds.addParam("La1", Double.toString(gds.getLa1()));
              igds.Lo1 = gds.getLo1();
              igds.addParam("Lo1", Double.toString(gds.getLo1()));
              igds.dx = gds.getDx();
              igds.addParam("Dx", Double.toString(gds.getDx()));


          case 204 :   // Curvilinear orthographic

              igds.nx = gds.getNx();
              igds.addParam("Nx", Integer.toString(gds.getNx()));
              igds.ny = gds.getNy();
              igds.addParam("Ny", Integer.toString(gds.getNy()));
              igds.resolution = gds.getResolution();
              igds.addParam("ResCompFlag", Integer.toString(gds.getResolution() 
              igds.winds      = winds;
              //igds.dx         = gds.getDx();
              //igds.addParam("Dx", Double.toString(gds.getDx()));
              //igds.dy = gds.getDy();
              //igds.addParam("Dy", Double.toString(gds.getDy()));

                 case 1000: //  Cross-Section Grid with Points Equally Spaced 
on the Horizontal

                 igds.La1  = gds.getLa1();
                 igds.addParam( "La1", Double.toString( gds.getLa1() ) );
                 igds.Lo1  = gds.getLo1();
                 igds.addParam( "Lo1", Double.toString( gds.getLo1() ) );
                 igds.resolution  = gds.getResolution();
Integer.toString(gds.getResolution() ));
                 igds.winds = winds;
                 igds.addParam( "La2", Double.toString( gds.getLa2() ) );
                 igds.addParam( "Lo2", Double.toString( gds.getLo2() ) );


        }  // end switch gdtn

        return igds;


     * prints out a products GDS.
     * @param gds
     * @param ps printStream used to write Index
    public void printGDS(Grib2GridDefinitionSection gds,
                                PrintStream ps) {

        ps.println("grid_type = " + gds.getGdtn());
        ps.println("grid_name = " + gds.getName());

        String winds = ((gds.getResolution() & 8) == 0)
                       ? "Relative"
                       : "True";

        if (((gds.getGdtn() < 50) || (gds.getGdtn() > 53))
                && (gds.getGdtn() != 100) && (gds.getGdtn() != 120)
                && (gds.getGdtn() != 1200)) {
            ps.println("grid_shape_code = " + gds.getShape());
            ps.println("grid_shape = " + gds.getShapeName());
            if ((gds.getShape() < 2) || (gds.getShape() == 6)) {
                ps.println("radius_spherical_earth = "
                           + gds.getEarthRadius());
            } else if ((gds.getShape() > 1) && (gds.getShape() < 5)) {
                ps.println("major_axis_earth = " + gds.getMajorAxis());
                ps.println("minor_axis_earth = " + gds.getMinorAxis());

        switch (gds.getGdtn()) {                // Grid Definition Template 

          case 0 :
          case 1 :
          case 2 :
          case 3 :                              // Latitude/Longitude Grid

              ps.println("Nx = " + gds.getNx());
              ps.println("Ny = " + gds.getNy());
              ps.println("La1 = " + gds.getLa1());
              ps.println("Lo1 = " + gds.getLo1());
              ps.println("ResCompFlag = " + gds.getResolution());
              ps.println("Winds = " + winds);
              ps.println("La2 = " + gds.getLa2());
              ps.println("Lo2 = " + gds.getLo2());
              ps.println("Dx = " + gds.getDx());
              ps.println("Dy = " + gds.getDy());
              //ps.println("ScanningMode = " + gds.getScanMode());

              if (gds.getGdtn() == 1) {         //Rotated Latitude/longitude
                  ps.println("SpLat = " + gds.getSpLat());
                  ps.println("SpLon = " + gds.getSpLon());
                  ps.println("RotationAngle = " + gds.getRotationangle());

              } else if (gds.getGdtn() == 2) {  //Stretched Latitude/longitude
                  ps.println("pLat = " + gds.getPoleLat());
                  ps.println("pLon = " + gds.getPoleLon());
                  ps.println("StretchingFactor = " + gds.getFactor());

              } else if (gds.getGdtn() == 3) {  //Stretched and Rotated 
                  // Latitude/longitude
                  ps.println("SpLat = " + gds.getSpLat());
                  ps.println("SpLon = " + gds.getSpLon());
                  ps.println("RotationAngle = " + gds.getRotationangle());
                  ps.println("pLat = " + gds.getPoleLat());
                  ps.println("pLon = " + gds.getPoleLon());
                  ps.println("StretchingFactor = " + gds.getFactor());

          case 10 :                              // Mercator
              ps.println("Nx = " + gds.getNx());
              ps.println("Ny = " + gds.getNy());
              ps.println("La1 = " + gds.getLa1());
              ps.println("Lo1 = " + gds.getLo1());
              ps.println("ResCompFlag = " + gds.getResolution());
              ps.println("Winds = " + winds);
              ps.println("La2 = " + gds.getLa2());
              ps.println("Lo2 = " + gds.getLo2());
              //ps.println("ScanningMode = " + gds.getScanMode());
              ps.println("BasicAngle = " + gds.getAngle());
              ps.println("Dx = " + gds.getDx());
              ps.println("Dy = " + gds.getDy());


          case 20 :  // Polar stereographic projection

              ps.println("Nx = " + gds.getNx());
              ps.println("Ny = " + gds.getNy());
              ps.println("La1 = " + gds.getLa1());
              ps.println("Lo1 = " + gds.getLo1());
              ps.println("ResCompFlag = " + gds.getResolution());
              ps.println("Winds = " + winds);
              ps.println("LaD = " + gds.getLad());
              ps.println("LoV = " + gds.getLov());
              ps.println("Dx = " + gds.getDx());
              ps.println("Dy = " + gds.getDy());
              ps.println("ProjFlag = " + gds.getProjectionCenter());
              ps.println("NpProj = " + ((gds.getProjectionCenter() & 128) == 
              //ps.println("ScanningMode = " + gds.getScanMode());


          case 30 :                              // Lambert Conformal

              ps.println("Nx = " + gds.getNx());
              ps.println("Ny = " + gds.getNy());
              ps.println("La1 = " + gds.getLa1());
              ps.println("Lo1 = " + gds.getLo1());
              ps.println("ResCompFlag = " + gds.getResolution());
              ps.println("Winds = " + winds);
              ps.println("LaD = " + gds.getLad());
              ps.println("LoV = " + gds.getLov());
              ps.println("Dx = " + gds.getDx());
              ps.println("Dy = " + gds.getDy());
              ps.println("ProjFlag = " + gds.getProjectionCenter());
              ps.println("NpProj = " + ((gds.getProjectionCenter() & 128) == 
              //ps.println("ScanningMode = " + gds.getScanMode());
              ps.println("Latin1 = " + gds.getLatin1());
              ps.println("Latin2 = " + gds.getLatin2());
              ps.println("SpLat = " + gds.getSpLat());
              ps.println("SpLon = " + gds.getSpLon());


          case 40 :
          case 41 :
          case 42 :
          case 43 :  // Gaussian latitude/longitude
              ps.println("Nx = " + gds.getNx());
              ps.println("Ny = " + gds.getNy());
              ps.println("La1 = " + gds.getLa1());
              ps.println("Lo1 = " + gds.getLo1());
              ps.println("ResCompFlag = " + gds.getResolution());
              ps.println("Winds = " + winds);
              ps.println("La2 = " + gds.getLa2());
              ps.println("Lo2 = " + gds.getLo2());
              ps.println("Dx = " + gds.getDx());
              ps.println("StretchingFactor = " + gds.getFactor());
              ps.println("NumberParallels = " + gds.getN());
              //ps.println("ScanningMode = " + gds.getScanMode());

              if (gds.getGdtn() == 41) {         //Rotated Gaussian 
                  ps.println("SpLat = " + gds.getSpLat());
                  ps.println("SpLon = " + gds.getSpLon());
                  ps.println("RotationAngle = " + gds.getRotationangle());

              } else if (gds.getGdtn() == 42) {  //Stretched Gaussian 
                  // Latitude/longitude
                  ps.println("pLat = " + gds.getPoleLat());
                  ps.println("pLon = " + gds.getPoleLon());
                  ps.println("StretchingFactor = " + gds.getFactor());

              } else if (gds.getGdtn() == 43) {  //Stretched and Rotated 
                  // Latitude/longitude
                  ps.println("SpLat = " + gds.getSpLat());
                  ps.println("SpLon = " + gds.getSpLon());
                  ps.println("RotationAngle = " + gds.getRotationangle());
                  ps.println("pLat = " + gds.getPoleLat());
                  ps.println("pLon = " + gds.getPoleLon());
                  ps.println("StretchingFactor = " + gds.getFactor());


          case 50 :
          case 51 :
          case 52 :
          case 53 :                       // Spherical harmonic coefficients
              ps.println("J = " + gds.getJ());
              ps.println("K = " + gds.getK());
              ps.println("M = " + gds.getM());
              ps.println("MethodNorm = " + gds.getMethod());
              ps.println("ModeOrder = " + gds.getMode());
              if (gds.getGdtn() == 51) {  //Rotated Spherical harmonic 
                  ps.println("SpLat = " + gds.getSpLat());
                  ps.println("SpLon = " + gds.getSpLon());
                  ps.println("RotationAngle = " + gds.getRotationangle());

              } else if (gds.getGdtn() == 52) {  //Stretched Spherical 
                  // harmonic coefficients
                  ps.println("pLat = " + gds.getPoleLat());
                  ps.println("pLon = " + gds.getPoleLon());
                  ps.println("StretchingFactor = " + gds.getFactor());

              } else if (gds.getGdtn() == 53) {  //Stretched and Rotated 
                  // Spherical harmonic coefficients
                  ps.println("SpLat = " + gds.getSpLat());
                  ps.println("SpLon = " + gds.getSpLon());
                  ps.println("RotationAngle = " + gds.getRotationangle());
                  ps.println("pLat = " + gds.getPoleLat());
                  ps.println("pLon = " + gds.getPoleLon());
                  ps.println("StretchingFactor = " + gds.getFactor());


          case 90 :  // Space view perspective or orthographic
              ps.println("Nx = " + gds.getNx());
              ps.println("Ny = " + gds.getNy());
              ps.println("Lap = " + gds.getLap());
              ps.println("Lop = " + gds.getLop());
              //ps.println("NumberPointsParallel = " + gds.getNx());
              //ps.println("NumberPointsMeridian = " + gds.getNy());
              //ps.println("LatitudeSub-satellitePoint = " + gds.getLap());
              //ps.println("LongitudeSub-satellitePoint = " + gds.getLop());
              ps.println("ResCompFlag = " + gds.getResolution());
              ps.println("Winds = " + winds);
              ps.println("Dx = " + gds.getDx());
              ps.println("Dy = " + gds.getDy());
              ps.println("Xp = " + gds.getXp());
              ps.println("Yp = " + gds.getYp());
              //ps.println("ScanningMode = " + gds.getScanMode());
              ps.println("Angle = " + gds.getAngle());
              ps.println("Nr = " + gds.getAltitude());
              ps.println("Xo = " + gds.getXo());
              ps.println("Yo = " + gds.getYo());


          case 100 :  // Triangular grid based on an icosahedron
              ps.println("Exponent2Intervals = " + gds.getN2());
              ps.println("Exponent3Intervals = " + gds.getN3());
              ps.println("NumberIntervals = " + gds.getNi());
              ps.println("NumberDiamonds = " + gds.getNd());
              ps.println("pLat = " + gds.getPoleLat());
              ps.println("pLon = " + gds.getPoleLon());
              ps.println("GridPointPosition = " + gds.getPosition());
              ps.println("NumberOrderDiamonds = " + gds.getOrder());
              //ps.println("ScanningMode = " + gds.getScanMode());
              ps.println("NumberParallels = " + gds.getN());


          case 110 :  // Equatorial azimuthal equidistant projection
              ps.println("Nx = " + gds.getNx());
              ps.println("Ny = " + gds.getNy());
              ps.println("La1 = " + gds.getLa1());
              ps.println("Lo1 = " + gds.getLo1());
              ps.println("ResCompFlag = " + gds.getResolution());
              ps.println("NpProj = " + ((gds.getProjectionCenter() & 128) == 
              ps.println("Winds = " + winds);
              ps.println("Dx = " + gds.getDx());
              ps.println("Dy = " + gds.getDy());
              ps.println("ProjFlag = " + gds.getProjectionCenter());
              //ps.println("ScanningMode = " + gds.getScanMode());


          case 120 :  // Azimuth-range Projection
              ps.println("NumberDataBins = " + gds.getNb());
              ps.println("NumberRadials = " + gds.getNr());
              ps.println("NumberPointsParallel = " + gds.getNx());
              ps.println("La1 = " + gds.getLa1());
              ps.println("Lo1 = " + gds.getLo1());
              ps.println("Dx = " + gds.getDx());
              ps.println("OffsetFromOrigin = " + gds.getDstart());
              //ps.println( "need code to get azi and adelta" );


          case 204 :  // Curvilinear orthographic
              ps.println("Nx = " + gds.getNx());
              ps.println("Ny = " + gds.getNy());
              ps.println("ResCompFlag = " + gds.getResolution());
              ps.println("Winds = " + winds);
              //ps.println("Dx = " + gds.getDx());
              //ps.println("Dy = " + gds.getDy());
              //ps.println("ScanningMode = " + gds.getScanMode());


           default :
              ps.println("Unknown Grid Type" + gds.getGdtn());
        }             // end switch gdtn
        if (gds.getOlon() == 0) {
            ps.println("Quasi = false");
        } else {
            ps.println("Quasi = true");
    }  // end printGDS

     * Dumps usage of the class.
     * @param className Grib2MPE
    private static void usage(String className) {
        System.out.println("Usage of " + className + ":");
        System.out.println("<GribFileToRead> reads/scans for index");
            "<IndexFile.idx> where to write index, default STDOUT");
        System.out.println("java " + className
                           + " <GribFileToRead> <IndexFile>");

     * creates a Grib2 index for given Grib2 file.
     * @param args 2 if Grib file and index file name given
     * @throws IOException
    public static void main(String args[]) throws IOException {

        // Function References
        Grib2MPE indexer = new Grib2MPE();

        // Test usage
        if (args.length < 1) {
            // Get class name as String
            Class cl = indexer.getClass();

        RandomAccessFile raf    = null;
        PrintStream      ps     = System.out;
        String           infile = args[0];
        raf = new RandomAccessFile(infile, "r");

        if (args.length == 2) {  // input file and index file name given
            String idxfile;
            if (args[1].endsWith(".dat")) {
                idxfile = args[1];
            } else {
                idxfile = args[1].concat(".dat");
            File idx = new File( idxfile );
            // create tmp  index file
            idxfile = idxfile +".tmp";
            //System.out.println( "idxfile ="+ idxfile );
            ps = new PrintStream(
                new BufferedOutputStream(
                    new FileOutputStream(idxfile, false)));
            indexer.writeFileIndex(raf, ps, false);
            File tidx = new File( idxfile );
            tidx.renameTo( idx );

        } else if (args.length == 1) {  // output to STDOUT
            ps = System.out;
            indexer.writeFileIndex(raf, ps, false);
}  // end Grib2MPE