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[Datastream #YCX-829258]: FTP Access to Unidata2 UNIWISC archives

Hi Dee,

> Tom the reason I am asking is that we have received an inquiry
> from India Department of Atmospheric Science, Cochin University of
> Science and Technology, about access to our data.

Yes, I understood that.

> He doesn't give any specifics
> but I will have to charge him for access and I am sure they cannot pay,

I agree.

> so I thought I'd
> check to see if  I could suggest that he contact you folks if it is GOES
> data that he is interested in.

Yes, please advise the user that s/he should contact Unidata User Support
at address@hidden with his request.  I will then
inform him that he will be allowed access to the UNIWISC archives on
unidata2.ssec.wisc.edu after s/he registers as a Unidata user.


Unidata User Support                                    UCAR Unidata Program
(303) 497-8642                                                 P.O. Box 3000
address@hidden                                   Boulder, CO 80307
Unidata HomePage                       http://www.unidata.ucar.edu

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: YCX-829258
Department: Support Datastream
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed