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Re: NCEP North American Reanalysis (fwd) Rutledge sends

disregard last message.  i have located these decoder libraries at unidata.

Robb Kambic wrote:

On Fri, 1 Oct 2004, Dan Swank wrote:

Ben et al.,
We are having problems with the NetCDF until- the udunits.h file can't
be found.  this seems so simple but don't know why. Could someone at
your shop assist.  Pls respond to Dan Swank.  Thx, Glenn


i'm assuming you are building gribtonc? the build needs to know where the
netcdf.h, libnetcdf.a, udunits.h, and libudunits.a files are located. the
easiest configuration is to modify the CUSTOMIZE file and set these
locations, it's in the src dir

the modification is to replace the paths /usr/local/netcdf and
/usr/local/udunits/ with the install points of netcdf and udunits.

# netCDF header file and library references:
LD_NETCDF='-L/usr/local/netcdf/lib -lnetcdf'
# udunits header file and library references:
LD_UDUNITS='-L/usr/local/udunits/lib -ludunits'

then run:

% make distclean
% ./configure
% make
% make install
% make test   perl decoders will fail but that's OK

Glenn Rutledge wrote:

Thanks Jon,
I stand corrected- it does work, but for a limited volume only (as in
your example!).  The conversion is rather straightforward, and w/o
issues it could be by next week. Glenn

Jon Goodall wrote:

Hi All,

I've been able to download a subset of the NARR data (only
surface-level values from a week at the 3 hour time step) from the
NCDC website using the ftp4u link.  It works great and I had no
problems.  If we also have the  grib2nc conversion, we will be all
set. Glenn, when do you hope to has this conversion available?

Jon Goodall
Center for Research in Water Resources
University of Texas at Austin

----Original Message Follows----
From: "Glenn Rutledge" <address@hidden>
To: Steve Worley <address@hidden>
CC: Ben Domenico <address@hidden>,  David Maidment
<address@hidden>, Jon Goodall <address@hidden>,
"Dennis P. Lettenmaier" <address@hidden>, support-ldm
<address@hidden>,  Martin Benno Blumenthal
<address@hidden>, Don Hooper <address@hidden>,
Roland Schweitzer <address@hidden>, Robb Kambic
<address@hidden>,  Sharon Leduc <address@hidden>,
Russell Vose <address@hidden>, Dan Swank <address@hidden>
Subject: Re: NCEP North American Reanalysis (fwd)
Date: Fri, 01 Oct 2004 09:04:49 -0400


Re: NCEP North American Reanalysis (fwd)
"Glenn Rutledge" <address@hidden>
Fri, 01 Oct 2004 09:04:49 -0400
Steve Worley <address@hidden>

Thanks Steve and Ben for your forward.

We are now ingesting and have avbl the NARR.  We have 1987 thru 2003
(of the 1979-2004) as requested below.  NCAR and SDSC will also have
copies.  Here at NCDC, Murphy got in the way as I usually have grib
sub-seting capabilities,  however the RAID I expected in for this
operation has not yet arrived!  I'm told the check is in the mail.
To get around this, the NOMADS team (all 2.5 of us) put together
direct access http to (m)get at the data due to this hardware delay.

So, users may access the data as per Steve's url below.  Use the http
link to get at the data directories.  Depending on your internet
connection, it may be a slow process (maybe open 2 ports).

By next week (or so), please point users to the "ftp4u" capability
that can subset this large (5TB) dataset by parameter space and time
(and by variable).   There is dataset documentation also avbl at the

As I write, we are developing a grib2nc capability for users to
retrieve in NetCDF format.  We will also compress the NetCDF for
transmission (GFDL, Kerr) found that these NetCDF files compress very
well.   Please let me know your experiences with this site and do try
to subset when that's avbl.  Thanks, Glenn

Steve Worley wrote:


North American Regional Reanalysis is just coming available from
two location I know of:

the NCDC NOMADS server (Glenn's work) at

and NCAR through the Data Support Section.
We have 1987-2003 archived, but not fully ready for service.  However,
if you wish to let us know what you require we might be able to
accomodate your needs without too much problem.  Chi-Fan Shih
(address@hidden) can address your further questions about NARR
from NCAR.


Ben Domenico wrote:

Hi David, Jon and Dennis,

Your questions are flattering in terms of the assumed breadth and
depth of knowledge about data collections here at the Unidata
Program Center (UPC), but we should be honest and offer a few
clarifications that will help you find what you are looking for
more quickly.

The main clarification is that the staff at the UPC mainly focuses
on infrastructure for real-time data systems for weather data.   I
understand that archived climate information is closely related,
but your questions about the details of specific archived climate
datasets are skirting pretty much at and beyond the edges of our
UPC expertise.  Those sorts of questions are better posed to the
folk who create and maintain the climate data archives at places
like the  NCDC, NCAR, Lamont-Doherty, and CDC.  I plan to send a
copy of this note to Glenn Rutledge at NCDC, Benno Blumenthal at
LDEO, Steve Worley at NCAR, and Don Hooper & Roland Schweitzer at
CDC who should be able to help you find what you need in terms of
the North American Reanalysis datasets -- in particular a netCDF

On the other hand, we do have experience at the UPC with decoders
that transform certain GRIB datasets into netCDF form (indeed with
considerably expanded size) and I'll ask Robb to follow up on that
issue to see if there is a version of that (GRIBTONC) decoder for
the North American Reanalysis data.

I don't mean to be passing the buck, but there are many groups who
have more detailed expertise than the UPC about archives of climate

 Ben Domenico                Unidata Deputy Director
 http://my.unidata.ucar.edu            P.O. Box 3000
 address@hidden              Boulder, CO 80307
 (303)497-8631                    FAX: (303)497-8690

--On Thursday, September 30, 2004 3:45 PM -0500 David Maidment
<address@hidden> wrote:


Dennis Lettenmaier is correct here.  What you are pointing us to is
the global NCEP reanalysis, which is on a 2.5 degree grid and not
very informative for the hydrology of the US.  What we are seeking
to work with is the reanalysis for North America alone, which is
on a 32km grid and is in Grib format, not netCDF.   The global
reanalysis is available in netCDF.


-----Original Message-----
From: Robb Kambic [mailto:address@hidden]
Sent: Thursday, September 30, 2004 11:25 AM
To: Ben Domenico
Cc: David Maidment; support-ldm
Subject: Re: NCEP North American Reanalysis (fwd)

look at url:


parameters  water runoff, soil moisture, etc.  these files are in
so they should be usuable for your analysis. i downloaded a couple of
files and dumped them using ncdump.

there are proably other hydrologic fluxes data sets that can be
found by
searching the web.


On Thu, 30 Sep 2004, Ben Domenico wrote:

Hi all,

The note below from David Maidment asks about getting the NCAR
reanalysis products into netCDF form.  Is there something special
about these datasets or would our grib to netcdf decoder work with
them.  Regarding the grads part of it, I'm assuming that refers
to the

fact that they are available via the GDS protocol, but let me
know if
there's more to it than that.

And how about the CDC archives?  I thought they published these data
in netCDF form.


-- Ben

---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Date: Thursday, September 30, 2004 8:18 AM -0500
From: David Maidment <address@hidden>
To: Ben Domenico <address@hidden>
Subject: NCEP North American Reanalysis


In CUAHSI HIS, we are thinking that a good "coverage" of hydrologic
fluxes from the atmosphere could be obtained from the NCEP North
American Reanalysis. More info is at

It seems like the data are all stored in one of your sister
institutions in Boulder.

Could you please help us to interpret what the data available are?

The data are in Grib/Grads format.   We have invested a lot of

with netCDF and I don't want Jon Goodall or others in our CUAHSI

having to tussle with Grib/Grads.   We have another other data
with GIS, point observations and remote sensing to consider.

Would it be possible to translate these reanalysis data layers into
netCDF format?


---------- End Forwarded Message ----------


Robb Kambic                       Unidata Program Center
Software Engineer III               Univ. Corp for Atmospheric
address@hidden           WWW:


Dan Swank <address@hidden>
NOMADS programmer
STG, Incorporated - Government Contractor
151 Patton Avenue, Room 514
Asheville, NC 28801
Phone: 828-271-4007

Robb Kambic                                Unidata Program Center
Software Engineer III                      Univ. Corp for Atmospheric Research
address@hidden             WWW: http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/

Dan Swank <address@hidden>
NOMADS programmer
STG, Incorporated - Government Contractor
151 Patton Avenue, Room 514
Asheville, NC 28801
Phone: 828-271-4007