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20021219: Change to Apache on unidata2

>From:  Jerrold Robaidek <address@hidden>
>Organization:  SSEC
>Keywords:  200212200148.gBK1mTt09307 IDD unidata2 ADDE Unidata-Wisconsin


I have several comments and a question related to the machines currently
requesting data from sunshine, so please slog through this entire email.

>I noticed that apache did not restart on unidata2 after the boot on Monday.
>After looking around a bit, I also noticed that there were some older
>versions of apache config files/installs.  I moved the old ones that I
>found to apache.old directories, and symlinked the new ones in their place.  
>I also set it up to start apache on boot.

Sounds good, thanks!

>The neartime idd directories are also now available via ftp as user XXXXXX .
> .. with the old password.

Excellent.  What is the possibility of users being able to request a
load of old Unidata-Wisconsin imagery and access through the urequest

>I also set up ADDE to access the neartime directories ... GROUP IDD ... tried 
> a few ...  it's glacially slow.

I took a look at this as soon as I saw your message.  Would you mind if
I changed the set of descriptor (and possibly group) names to match
what I have people setup on their own systems?  For reference, the
list of datasets that people are used to are:



        Dataset Names of Type: IMAGE in Group: RTIMAGES

Name         NumPos   Content
------------ ------   --------------------------------------
ANTARCTIC       10    Antarctic IR Composite
EDFLOATER-I     10    Educational Floater
EDFLOATER-II    10    Educational Floater II
GE-IR           10    GOES-East North America IR
GE-IRTOPO       10    GOES-East IR/TOPO Composite
GE-VIS          10    GOES-East North America VIS
GE-VISTOPO      10    GOES-East VIS/TOPO Composite
GE-WV           10    GOES-East North America H2O
GEW-IR          10    GOES-East/West IR Composite
GEW-IRTOPO      10    GOES-East/West IR/TOPO Composite
GEW-VIS         10    GOES-East/West VIS Composite
GEW-VISTOPO     10    GOES-East/West VIS/TOPO Composite
GEW-WV          10    GOES-East/West H2O Composite
GW-IR           10    GOES-West Western US IR
GW-IRTOPO       10    GOES-West IR/TOPO Composite
GW-VIS          10    GOES-West Western US VIS
GW-VISTOPO      10    GOES-West VIS/TOPO Composite
GW-WV           10    GOES-West Western US H2O
MDR             10    Manually Digitized Radar
MDRTOPO         10    MDR/TOPO Composite
MOLL-IR         10    Mollweide Composite IR
MOLL-IRTOPO     10    Mollweide IR/TOPO Composite
MOLL-WV         10    Mollweide Composite H2O
RESFLOATER      10    Research Floater

DSINFO -- done

There are several images in this list that will not be in the one
on unidata2, of course.  What I have in mind is:

        Dataset Names of Type: IMAGE in Group: UWIMAGES

Name         NumPos   Content
------------ ------   --------------------------------------
ANTARCTIC     9999    Antarctic IR Composite
EDFLOATER-I   9999    Educational Floater
EDFLOATER-II  9999    Educational Floater II
GE-IR         9999    GOES-East North America IR
GE-VIS        9999    GOES-East North America VIS
GE-WV         9999    GOES-East North America H2O
GW-IR         9999    GOES-West Western US IR
GW-VIS        9999    GOES-West Western US VIS
GW-WV         9999    GOES-West Western US H2O
MDR           9999    Manually Digitized Radar
MOLL-IR       9999    Mollweide Composite IR
MOLL-WV       9999    Mollweide Composite H2O
RESFLOATER    9999    Research Floater

(RESFLOATER hasn't existed in several years, but I have thoughts about
reactivating it)

and the following would need to be created by compositing:

GEW-IR        9999    GOES-East/West IR Composite
GEW-VIS       9999    GOES-East/West VIS Composite
GEW-WV        9999    GOES-East/West H2O Composite

Also, I have been thinking about adding the CIMSS images to the list of
ones that would be archived, but I have not made any mental commitment
to that yet.

The other things that are needed are an expansion of the POINT and GRID
servers to allow access to data files that do not follow the MDXXnnnn
and GRIDnnnn naming conventions.  If this were available, historic
MD and GRID data could be easily served.

Any comments you have on the above would be most welcome.

Lastly, can you jump onto sunshine and get a listing of the sites
that are currently feeding/trying to feed data via the IDD?  I would
generate the list from a combination of:

<login as 'ldm'>
cd ~/logs
grep topo ldmd.log* |  awk '{ print $7 "\t" $8 }' | sort | uniq


netstat | grep sunshine.ldm | awk '{ print $2 }'

With the complete list I/we will know who needs to be contacted to
move feeds off of sunshine and onto unidata2.


* Tom Yoksas                                             UCAR Unidata Program *
* (303) 497-8642 (last resort)                                  P.O. Box 3000 *
* address@hidden                                   Boulder, CO 80307 *
* Unidata WWW Service                             http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/*