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[AWIPS #DSK-757337]: Gtk-Warning

> I entered the command “cave.sh” and received the warning,
> “(zenith:19821) : Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display: :0.0” and “No protocol 
> specified”

Hi Justin,

The command "ps aux | grep Xorg" will show you how your X server is running.  
For example, you should see something like "/usr/bin/Xorg :0 -nr ..."

Then, check the environmental variable $DISPLAY with the command "echo 

If it is not set, you can set it with the command "setenv DISPLAY :0.0" (in 
tcsh) or "export DISPLAY=:0.0" (for bash).

Michael James
Unidata Program Center
Boulder, CO

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: DSK-757337
Department: Support AWIPS
Priority: Normal
Status: Open