Previous: Governance Next: LibCF, the NetCDF Library for the Climate and Forecast (CF) Conventions Table of contents Frames User guide
2007 Unidata NetCDF Workshop for Developers and Data Providers

10 libcf: A New Library for CF Conventions Support
Introduction to a new library for creating and accessing netCDF files compliant to the CF Conventions

10.0  LibCF, the NetCDF Library for the Climate and Forecast (CF) Conventions
The new LibCF library supports the Climate and Forecast Conventions for metadata.
10.1  Goals of LibCF
LibCF is being developed to help climate scientists share their data.
10.2  Current Status of LibCF
LibCF is currently available in alpha release.
10.3  LibCF Architecture
LibCF works with NetCDF-3 or NetCDF-4, and includes a Fortran wrapper API.
10.4  File Level Functions in LibCF
These LibCF functions are provided to help with file-level CF attributes.
10.5  Variable Metadata in LibCF
LibCF includes some functions to help with variable metadata.
10.6  Latitude and Longitude Functions in LibCF
LibCF includes some functions to help write and read latitude and longitude information.
10.7  Vertical Dimension Functions in LibCF
LibCF provides functions to help with the vertical dimension.
10.8  Time Functions in LibCF
LibCF includes some functions to help deal with the time dimension.
10.9  Geographic Subsetting in LibCF
LibCF can do (currently) primitive geographic subsetting.
10.10  LibCF Example
This example illustrates the use of libcf.
10.11  The LibCF Website
See the LibCF website for distributions, documentation, support, and news.
10.12  The LibCF Daily Snapshot and Testing
A daily development snapshot distribution of LibCF is built and tested each night at Unidata, and is available on the LibCF web site.
10.13  Future Plans for LibCF
LibCF will continue to evolve and develop to support the CF Conventions.


Previous: Governance Next: LibCF, the NetCDF Library for the Climate and Forecast (CF) Conventions Table of contents Frames User guide
2007 Unidata NetCDF Workshop for Developers and Data Providers