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IDV Isosurfaces

You can make isosurfaces of 3D data fields in HTML pages with the IDV. These IDV displays in HTML are fully-interactive 3D displays, with zooming, panning, rotation, surface value choices, time animation, and choice of colors and maps.

The IDV isosurface display shows a surface of constant value in 3D space. Isosurfaces are a 3D analog of contour lines used in 2D displays,.

Under the displays below, select a time and numerical weather prediction model for the data source. The Eta and RUC model output cover North America, and the AVN output is global.

After selecting the time and model, click on Create Isosurface. Twenty seconds or more may be needed to retrieve the data and create the display. Data is coming from a remote Unidata THREDDS server.

Once the display is complete, many IDV controls are available. You can:

Date and Time: NCEP Model:

Rotate the 3D display in this page by dragging with the right mouse button over it. Zoom in by key combination Shift-up arrow; zoom out by Shift-down arrow. Pan by Ctrl key plus left and right arrow keys. Restore initial overhead view with Crtl-r.

To change surface value, right-button click on the legend "winsdpeed 3D isosurface"; click on "Preferences," and in the window that appears, use the slider bar to adjust value or wind speed to plot as a surface.