GEMPAK Manual | GEMPAK Online Tutorial

GEMPAK Program Index

GEMPAK programs are classified by data type and capabilities

Surface Data Programs (SF)

Surface Mapping
sflist lists surface data from a gempak surface data file.
sfmap plots surface station data on a map.
sfcntr plots surface station data and optionally contours one of the fields being plotted.
sfgram draws a meteorogram for surface data.
Surface File Creation and Editing
sfcfil creates a new gempak surface file.
sfedit adds or changes data in a surface file using a sequential text file.
sfdelt deletes data from a surface data file.
sfstns modifies the station information in a surface file.
sfmod moves selected surface data from an input surface file to an output durface file.
sfvgsf adds or changes data in a surface file using elements in a VGF file.
sfchck creates a table of stations and reporting indicators from a gempak surface file.
Fixed Format Surface Data
sfl604 lists data from a gempak surface file in a fixed format.
sfdsl604 lists data from a gempak surface file in a fixed format.

Sounding Data Programs (SN)

Sounding Mapping
snmap plots sounding data on a map.
snprof draws profiles of upper air data.
acprof draws profiles of ACARS data.
sncross draws cross sections through sounding data.
snhodo draws a hodograph of upper air data.
sntser draws a time series at a sounding station.
snlist lists data from a sounding file for specified vertical levels and stations.
sndslist lists data from a sounding file in a format for the AMS DataStreme website.
Sounding File Creation and Editing
sncfil creates a new gempak sounding file.
snedit adds data in a sequential edit file to a sounding file.
sndelt deletes data from a sounding data file.
snmod moves selected sounding data from an input sounding file to an output.
snstns modifies the station information in an upper air file.
namsnd transfers model profile output in bufr to gempak sounding files.
sndiag performs specialized computations on a sounding or set of soundings.

Gridded Data Programs (GD)

Grid Mapping
gdcntr draws contour lines through a scalar grid.
gdcross displays a vertical cross section of scalar and/or vector grids.
gdmap plots data from a scalar grid.
gdplot draws contour lines through scalar grids and/or wind barbs or arrows through vector grids.
gdplot2 draws contour lines through scalar grids and/or wind barbs or arrows through vector grids.
gdplot3 draws contour lines through scalar grids and/or wind barbs or arrows or streamlines through vector grids.
gdprof draws profiles of a scalar grid and/or a vector grid.
gdptpdf draws cumulative probability or probability density.
gdstream draws streamlines through a vector grid.
gdthgt draws contours and wind barbs or arrows on a time section at a grid point.
gdtser draws a time series of a scalar at a single level.
gdtspdf draws contour or color fill of cumulative probability.
gdwind displays a vector grid using wind barbs or arrows.
Grid Diagnostics
gdinfo lists information about gempak grid files.
gdlist lists data from a scalar grid.
gddiag computes a scalar/vector diagnostic grid and adds it to the grid file.
gdomeg computes grids of vertical motion and adds them to the grid file.
gdvint performs interpolation between vertical coordinates.
gdpvsf vertically interpolates grid data to an arbitrary surface.
gdpoint outputs values of any scalar gridded data calculation at a specified time.
gdstat computes statistics on a time series of scalar grids.
gdgsfc computes grid data and interpolates to stations in a surface file.
Grid File Creation and Editing
gdmod moves grids from one gempak grid file to another.
gdgrib computes a scalar diagnostic grid and adds it to a GRIB file.
gdgrib2 computes a scalar diagnostic grid and adds it to a GRIB2 file.
gdbiint interpolates grids from one projection to another.
gdcfil creates a gempak grid file.
gdedit reads grids from a sequential edit file and adds them to a grid file.
gddelt deletes grids from gempak grid files.
gdtopo creates a gempak grid file from a raster file of topography.
gdradr creates a gridded composite of NEXRAD level 3 products.
gdradrc creates a gridded composite of canadian (ASCII) products.
gdfrzl generates GFA FZLVLs in VG format from a scalar grid.
gd2img creates a GINI format image from a grid.
gd2ndfd converts a gempak grid to an NDFD grib2 file.
gdobscnt creates a gridded sampling of surface observations within a specified radius of each grid point.

Objective Analysis Programs (OA)

oabsfc performs a barnes objective analysis on surface data.
oabsnd performs a barnes objective analysis on upper air data.
oagrid creates a gempak grid file which can be used in a barnes analysis.
oabox draws a box around an objective analysis region.

Graphics Programs (GP)

Radar Programs
nex2gini creates a GINI format image composite of NEXRAD level 3 products.
nex2img creates a gif format image composite of NEXRAD level 3 products.
gpvad plots the NEXRAD level 3 vad wind profile.
gpnids plots NEXRAD level 3 products.
radmap creates gif images of NEXRAD level 3 files.
nexr2rhi displays NEXRAD level 2 vertical cross sections.
gpnexr2 displays NEXRAD level 2 products.
Mapping Programs
gpmap draws a map, latitude/longitude lines, and various image and graphic products.
gpwarn is a version of gpmap that plots filled county/zone regions from reports.
gpfront is a version of gpmap that plots map symbols interpreted from ASUS bulletins.
gpltln draws a map, latitude/longitude lines with a selected marker.
gptraj computes trajectories for gridded data files.
gptpc generates hurricane graphics for the TPC
gptcww generates the track error watch/warn plot for the TPC.
gptext draws the contents of a text file to the output device.
gprcm is a version of gpmap that plots radar coded messages.
Graphics Management
gpcolor changes the colors on a color device.
gpclose closes the specified graphics output window or file.
gpbox draws a box around a region.
gpclear clears the current graphics device.
gpend terminates the gemplt subprocesses.
gpfax creates a postscript, gif, or tiff file, or an X window display
gpanot will allow the user to place objects at any location on the map.

Decoders (DC)

Surface Data/Bulletin Decoders
dcmetr decodes raw SAO and METAR reports.
dcmsfc decodes raw buoy, ship, C-MAN, and Coast Guard reports.
dccsig decodes convective sigmet and convective outlook reports.
dcffa decodes flash flood watch reports.
dcffg decodes flash flood guidance data.
dchrcn decodes forecast/advisory reports for tropical storms and hurricanes.
dclsfc decodes land surface synoptic reports.
dcprof decodes BUFR format profiler reports.
dcredbook creates displays of Redbook graphic format products.
dcstorm decodes Severe Storm reports from the Storm Prediction Center.
dcsvrl decodes severe local storm reports.
dctrop decodes Hurricane/Tropical storm reports.
dcwarn decodes flash flood, tornado and severe thunderstorm warning reports.
dcwatch decodes WWUS40 format Severe Thunderstorm and Tornado watch box bulletins.
dcwcn decodes watch county notification reports.
dcwcp decodes tornado and severe thunderstorm WCP reports.
dcwou decodes watch outline update reports.
dcwstm decodes winter storm reports.
dcwtch decodes tornado and severe thunderstorm watch box reports and statuses.
Sounding Data Decoders
dcuair decodes upper air sounding data.
dcncprof decodes NetCDF format profiler and RASS reports.
Gridded Data Decoders
dcgmos decodes GFS Model Output Statistics data.
dcgrib decodes GRIB1 format model grids
dcgrib2 decodes GRIB1 and GRID2 format model grids
dcxmos decodes GFS Model Output Statistics.
dcnmos decodes NGM Model Output Statistics data.
Radar Decoders
dcnexr2 decodes level II NEXRAD CRAFT data.
Lightning Data Decoders
dcnldn decodes NLDN lightning data reports.
dcuspln decodes USPLN lightning data reports.
Aircraft Data Decoders
dcairm decodes airmet reports.
dcacars is a decoder for use with the NetCDF format ACARS data files.
dcacft decodes raw AIREP, PIREP, RECCO and AMDAR reports.
dctaf decodes raw TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast) reports.
dctama decodes TAMDAR data in BUFR format.
dcncon decodes non-convective SIGMET reports.
dcisig decodes international SIGMET reports.
Other Decoders
dcsuomi decoder for use with the NetCDF format SUOMINET data.
dcrdf decodes Regional Digital Forecast (RDF) reports.
dcigdr decodes IGDR data in BUFR format.
dcshef decodes raw SHEF reports.
dcshef_comet decodes raw SHEF reports.
dcscd decodes Supplemental Climatological Data reports.
dccosmic decodes COSMIC radio occultation reports.