First, you have to plot four different parameters for five cities. To do this you use a meteogram created with SFGRAM. So, to start off, run SFGRAM and read in the defaults file:
prompt% sfgramGEMPAK displays saved settings
 SFFILE    Surface data file                 $GEMPAKHOME/data/hrcbob.sfc
 DATTIM    Date/time                         all
 STATION   Stations                          lax;phl;clt;pwm;sea
 TRACE1    Parms/colors/range/witness        skyc:1:2;brbk:1:2/5;6!;;wsym:1:2;tmpc:1:2/;;11;3
 TRACE2    Parms/colors/range/witness        skyc:1:2;brbk:1:2/5;6!;;wsym:1:2;tmpc:1:2/;;11;3
 TRACE3    Parms/colors/range/witness        skyc:1:2;brbk:1:2/5;6!;;wsym:1:2;tmpc:1:2/;;11;3
 TRACE4    Parms/colors/range/witness        skyc:1:2;brbk:1:2/5;6!;;wsym:1:2;tmpc:1:2/;;11;3
 TRACE5    Parms/colors/range/witness        skyc:1:2;brbk:1:2/5;6!;;wsym:1:2;tmpc:1:2/;;11;3
 NTRACE    Number of traces                  5
 TAXIS     Time1-time2-tinc;lbl;gln;tck      
 BORDER    Background color/dash/width       2/1/2
 MARKER    Marker color/type/size/width/hw   0
 TITLE     Title color/line/title            32/0
 CLEAR     Clear screen flag                 y
 DEVICE    Graphics device                   xw
 PANEL     Panel location/color/dash/width   0
 TEXT      Text size/font/width/hw flag      .8//1.5/sw
 GEMPAK-SFGRAM>restore $GEMPAKHOME/defaults/sfgram.nts
 GEMPAK-SFGRAM>dredisplay settings

 SFFILE    Surface data file                 
 DATTIM    Date/time                         all
 STATION   Stations                          
 TRACE1    Parms/colors/range/witness        tmpf:1:2;dwpf:1:2/2;3
 TRACE2    Parms/colors/range/witness        ;vsby::2/8;4!pmsl::2;;/28
 TRACE3    Parms/colors/range/witness        ;darr:1:2;sknt:1:2/1;22;12!gust/5
 TRACE4    Parms/colors/range/witness        clds;skyk:.6:2/15;6!;;wsym:1:1/3
 TRACE5    Parms/colors/range/witness        stha:1:2;sthe:1:2/22;19
 NTRACE    Number of traces                  5
 TAXIS     Time1-time2-tinc;lbl;gln;tck      
 BORDER    Background color/dash/width       2/1/2
 MARKER    Marker color/type/size/width/hw   0
 TITLE     Title color/line/title            1/0
 CLEAR     Clear screen flag                 y
 DEVICE    Graphics device                   xw
 PANEL     Panel location/color/dash/width   0
 TEXT      Text size/font/width/hw flag      .8//1.5/sw

You must change some of the settings that the default files put in for you, , as well as SFFILE and STATION. This is because TRACE1 through TRACE5 are not set to display what the question asked.

First, let's set the file and stations:


TIP:"You can leave taxis blank for this exercise.

TRACE1, TRACE2, TRACE3, TRACE4, and TRACE5 will all be identical because for each city because you will be looking at the same four parameters. With a list of cities , TRACE1 will correspond to the first city, and so on. So, TRACE1 will be for Los Angeles (LAX) and TRACE2 will be for Philadelphia (PHL), etc. for this exercise.

Now, let`s set up the parameters. We're going to put the sky symbol(skyc) and weather barb in knots (BRBK) on the left, and the the weather symbol (WSYS) and temperature in degrees C (TMPC) on the right. They will be in these positions with these colors:
SKYC---Position 1--Color 5 (Yellow)
BRBK---Position 2--Color 6 (Cyan)
WSYM---Position 3--Color 11(Pink)
TMPC---Position 4--Color 3(Green)

The line will be the default size 1, with line width 2:

Because TRACE1 is the same as TRACE2 throught TRACE5, you can enter this shortcut:
GEMPAK-SFGRAM> trace2=&trace1
GEMPAK-SFGRAM> trace3=&trace1
GEMPAK-SFGRAM> trace4=&trace1
GEMPAK-SFGRAM> trace5=&trace1
GEMPAK-SFGRAM>dRedisplay settings
 SFFILE    Surface data file                 $GEMPAKHOME/data/hrcbob.sfc
 DATTIM    Date/time                         all
 STATION   Stations                          lax;phl;clt;pwm;sea
 TRACE1    Parms/colors/range/witness        skyc:1:2;brbk:1:2/5;6!;;wsym:1:2;tmpc:1:2/;;11;3
 TRACE2    Parms/colors/range/witness        skyc:1:2;brbk:1:2/5;6!;;wsym:1:2;tmpc:1:2/;;11;3
 TRACE3    Parms/colors/range/witness        skyc:1:2;brbk:1:2/5;6!;;wsym:1:2;tmpc:1:2/;;11;3
 TRACE4    Parms/colors/range/witness        skyc:1:2;brbk:1:2/5;6!;;wsym:1:2;tmpc:1:2/;;11;3
 TRACE5    Parms/colors/range/witness        skyc:1:2;brbk:1:2/5;6!;;wsym:1:2;tmpc:1:2/;;11;3
 NTRACE    Number of traces                  5
 TAXIS     Time1-time2-tinc;lbl;gln;tck      
 BORDER    Background color/dash/width       2/1/2
 MARKER    Marker color/type/size/width/hw   0
 TITLE     Title color/line/title            32/0
 CLEAR     Clear screen flag                 y
 DEVICE    Graphics device                   xw
 PANEL     Panel location/color/dash/width   0
 TEXT      Text size/font/width/hw flag      .8//1.5/sw

warningThere are several places you can get tripped up:

  1. Not using the exclamation mark "!" to separate the titles, half on the right, half on the left.
  2. Putting a symbol in position four. You can only put characters or symbols in position 1-3. This is mentioned briefly in the sfgram phelp file. This would either give you an error message or overlap the data in position 4 and 3.
  3. be continued.
 GEMPAK-SFGRAM>rrun the program
 SFGRAM PARAMETERSGENPAK window may pop up here
 Surface file:       $GEMPAKHOME/data/hrcbob.sfc
 Number of times:      25
 Time range:         910819/06-20/06                                 
     LAX       skyc:1:2;brbk:1:2/5;6!;;wsym:1:2;tmpc:1:2/;;11;3
     PHL       skyc:1:2;brbk:1:2/5;6!;;wsym:1:2;tmpc:1:2/;;11;3
     CLT       skyc:1:2;brbk:1:2/5;6!;;wsym:1:2;tmpc:1:2/;;11;3
     PWM       skyc:1:2;brbk:1:2/5;6!;;wsym:1:2;tmpc:1:2/;;11;3
     SEA       skyc:1:2;brbk:1:2/5;6!;;wsym:1:2;tmpc:1:2/;;11;3
Enter <cr> to accept parameters or type EXIT:

view window

Why are the parameters organized that way?

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