GEMPAK Manual | Programs

GPBOX draws a box around a region.

    LINE      Color/type/width/label/smth/fltr/scflg
    REGION    Region type
    DEVICE    Device|name|x size;y size|color type
    This program draws a box around a region on the current
    graphics device.  REGION can be specified as VIEW, PLOT, or
    DEVICE.  VIEW is the view region of the graphics device.
    The view region may be changed in GEMPAK programs using the
    parameter PANEL.  The PLOT region is the area used for the
    data plot, excluding margins.  DEVICE is the entire device

    Note that a box may also be drawn around the VIEW region
    using the PANEL variable.

    1. Draw a solid line of width 1 around the view region on the
       xw device.

       LINE    =  1
       REGION  =  view
       DEVICE  =  xw

    2. Draw a line around the device region in color 2, using line
       type 3 and width 5.

       LINE    =  2/3/5
       REGION  =  device

    [GPBOX  -1]     Fatal error initializing TAE.
    [GPBOX  -2]     Fatal error in reading the TAE parameters.
    [GPBOX  -3]     Fatal error initializing GEMPLT.